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Old 02-13-2008, 07:57 PM
Camarillo Sam
Posts: n/a

Create a site to post video and soundtrack for playback only, not exactly YouTube

I am creating a site to post video and soundtrack for playback only, not file sharing. I got it working but was terribly dissapointed with the MS player needing to wait while it downloadd the file before playing it. If I play something on YouTube, it's almost instant. How do they do that? I have read some of the YouTube related postings here that mention PHPMotion. Is that what I need? I host the site server (Windows 203) using a leased 768 DSL from a local IP.

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Old 02-14-2008, 01:32 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Create a site to post video and soundtrack for playback only, not exactly YouTube

If you don't wanna video files to be downloaded, you should use a streaming server. There are lots of them. The most popular formats you can broadcast are flash video, windows media video, real video and quicktime video. Try to find more info on streaming servers before choosing.

p.s. Your bandwidth seems to be too small for a video sharing web-site like youtube.
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