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Old 07-10-2010, 03:03 AM
squareworld squareworld is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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How to create an internet video playlist that plays "live" like broadcast TV


I'm a technophobe in this area so I'm sorry if this question is a bit na?ve. But here goes. I have created a channel in the website
, which is essentially a personalizable playlist of videos already uploaded to sites like youtube. What I want, or my family wants, is to know if it is possible, on some website or with some easy technology, to create a channel like this which, rather than being on-demand for any internet user at the time when they come on line, only "broadcasts" at a specific time, so that it acts like a broadcast TV channel and you have to tune in at a specific time to see it.
If anyone can give any tips on this I'd be very grateful. Links to websites, suggested software, or even a basic explanation of the technical requirements I'm asking for - would be very welcome.

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