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Old 06-24-2010, 12:30 AM
tom2005 tom2005 is offline
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How to (correctly!) use rtmpdump, rtmpsrv

How to use rtmpsuck/rtmpsrv to find the parameters which used in rtmpdump? My OS is windows xp/vista, I read some threads, but can not get the clear way.

Please help, thank you!
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Old 06-24-2010, 03:00 AM
tom2005 tom2005 is offline
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Re: how to use dumpsuck, dumpsrv

sorry, the title is "how to use rtmpsuck, rtmpsrv"

I do:
(1)Run "rtmpsrv", and it shown "streaming on rtmp://",
(2)then I play the video in IE,
(3)wait for the video playing, but I can not find any infomation from rtmpsrv

any suggestion?
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Old 06-24-2010, 05:25 AM
walterk01 walterk01 is offline
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Re: how to use dumpsuck, dumpsrv

If you are on a windows based PC then you might prefer using StreamTransport.
Using rtmpdump in windows to download a stream is not hard however setting it up to monitor streams to get the syntax is a bit of a chore.
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Old 06-25-2010, 03:52 AM
tom2005 tom2005 is offline
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Re: how to use dumpsuck, dumpsrv

Originally Posted by walterk01 View Post
If you are on a windows based PC then you might prefer using StreamTransport.
Using rtmpdump in windows to download a stream is not hard however setting it up to monitor streams to get the syntax is a bit of a chore.
I have tried the StreamTransport, but it is useless.
do anybody tell me how to use rtmpsrv.exe? thank you.
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Old 06-25-2010, 07:13 PM
walterk01 walterk01 is offline
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Re: how to use dumpsuck, dumpsrv

What site are you trying to get streams from?
Getting rtmpdump to run on windows like i said is a Real chore.
And is only possible according to the rtmpdump README in windows XP
(We have a solution for Windows based on a TDI driver; this is known to
work on Win2K and WinXP but is assumed to not work on Vista or Win7 as the
TDI is no longer used on those OS versions. Also, none of the known
solutions are available as freeware.)
So you can use rtmpdump itself to download a stream on windows but getting the correct syntax to use is not at this moment an easy thing to do on XP and impossible on the latter versions of windows.
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Old 06-26-2010, 01:44 AM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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How to (correctly!) use rtmpdump, rtmpsrv

The program RTMPSRV.exe (which accompanies RTMPDUMP.exe in most Windows distributions) can 'sniff' the connection and find the necessary settings for you.

Instructions on how to use it are included with it in most distributions. But here's a more detailed set of instructions -

All you really need is the HOST address of the RTMP file you want to download. Then go through the steps below. For example, this is the BBC iPlayer's host address:

The HOST address is the part of the rtmp URL at the very beginning. It's really the server's address. Example -


1. Download the programs RTMPDUMP v2.1d and RTMPSRV v2.1d (filename: with this link:

Extract both those programs from the zip file into the same folder.

You may find that this version of the programs works on YOUR version of Windows, because v2.1d will even work on Windows98! (Or run it on Windows 98: you being a savvy Windows 7 user will know how to run Windows 98 in a virtual machine inside Windows 7.)

2. Edit your computer's HOSTS file, as follows (these instructions are for Windows 98, and you'll need to modify them to point to the ATTRIB.EXE and HOSTS files if you have Windows XP/Vista/7):

(a) Go to START > RUN and type the following in the box, then click OK:

c:\windows\command\attrib.exe -R -S -H c:\windows\hosts

(b) Go to START > RUN and type the following in the box, then click OK:

edit c:\windows\hosts

(c) Disable the line in the HOSTS file that reads localhost by putting a # at the start of that line

(d) Type a new line, immediately underneath that line, giving the host address of the RTMP file you want to download. Example:

(e) Save the changes: File > Save

3. Run RTMPSRV.exe by double-clicking it. Only then do you start the Flash stream playing, in the webpage that streams it (RTMPSRV.exe must already be running), and look at the window in which RTMPSRV is running: it will start displaying the true RTMP address of the file that's playing, outputting in fact the command string to download it!

Typically you'll see something like this -

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://[server]:[port]/[application]?[authString]"
-a "[application]?[authString]" -f "[Flash Version]" -W "[swfUrl]"
-p "[iPlayer page URL]" -y "[mp4: to .mp4 playpath]" -o file.flv

That will be displayed every couple of seconds, as each incoming packet is sniffed and analysed. But you only need the first one. So stop the RTMPSRV program after the first couple of packets have gone through. A few seconds will see this through.

Of course the easy way to save that vital command string is to write a batch file to run RTMPSRV.exe and pipe its output to a second .BAT file that will handle the actual download. The batch file must be one line, as follows:

rtmpsrv > download.bat

If you double-click that batch file, it will save all its output into DOWNLOAD.bat and all you need do (in theory) is run DOWNLOAD.bat to start the download! But first -

A. DOWNLOAD.bat must be in the same folder as RTMPDUMP.exe and RTMPSRV.exe

B. You must have an open Internet connection running.

C. You must re-edit your HOSTS file back to its original state (otherwise you'll simply get an error message).

D. There will be many copies of the download command saved into the batch file DOWNLOAD.bat, so you must edit it to delete all but one of them! Otherwise the batch file will keep deleting (overwriting) the download - every time it completes it!
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Old 06-26-2010, 09:35 PM
hyc hyc is offline
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Re: How to (correctly!) use rtmpdump, rtmpsrv

if you have rtmpdump in your PATH when you run rtmpsrv then it will simply be executed for you. (Assuming you're using a recent enough rtmpsrv.)
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Old 11-18-2010, 05:31 AM
stefo stefo is offline
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Re: How to (correctly!) use rtmpdump, rtmpsrv


Thank you for your manual how to use rtmpsrv.
I found out that sometimes it does not work.
I tried to find out the correct parameter for downloading following link
rtmp://, but rtmpsrv did not cauch anything. I modified file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts addidng new line
I dont know where the problem is.
I want to download mentioned link, but I am not able to do it, so I decided to use rtmsvr to find out the correct parameter for rtmpdump application

I tried to use smtpsrv application for another video rtmp:// In this case, rtmpsrv application worked OK. In thsi case hosts file used following setting
Here is a log:
RTMP Server v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL

Streaming on rtmp://

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "wwevideo/flv" -f "WIN
10,0,32,18" -y "kids/2008/october8-14/kids_cena_wiffle_large" -o kids_cena_wiff

Closing connection... done!

RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Duplicate request, skipping.
Closing connection... ERROR: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (42 bytes)

ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header

Thanks for any advice.

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Old 11-27-2010, 12:08 PM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Re: How to (correctly!) use rtmpdump, rtmpsrv

You are correct in saying that RTMPsrv does not always work on the BBC site. This seems to be because the BBC use more than one streaming link for each radio or tv show on their iPlayer site. RTMPsrv seems to be able to capture only the default stream, not all the alternative streams.

I am not certain why this is so. But it is a particular problem with their tv shows. Quite often the radio shows only have a single rtmp link for the default setting (which is always a default setting of 128kbps aac); but quite often the tv shows have multiple rtmp links for the default setting (and the default setting seems also to vary from station to station: it is often not the same for BBC 1 as it is for, say, BBC 3).

The first thing you are doing wrong is quoting the wrong domain address in your HOST file. The correct address is (not for the show in which you are interested. Make sure that the (correct) domain appears in the FIRST line in the HOST file: it will not work in any other line!

Secondly, I do not recommend the use of RTMPsrv version 2.3, as all my recommended settings (described earlier in this thread) are designed to work in RTMPsrv 2.1d only.

Thirdly, where RTMPsrv cannot capture a stream's details, there are instructions elsewhere on this site about how to manually construct a command line in a batch file that will work for RTMPdump 2.1d in respect of any BBC tv or radio show -
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Old 07-14-2011, 05:13 AM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Re: How to (correctly!) use rtmpdump, rtmpsrv

On 12 July 2011, the BBC made changes to their iPlayer service for the BBC Radio 'listen again' streams.

The new server is:

The new application is: a5999/e1

The new batch file you need to write is thus -

:: Settings which do NOT change -

SET application=a5999/e1
SET as=adobe-hmac-sha256
SET av=1
SET te=connect

:: Settings from Media Selector page -

SET et=
SET fmta-token=
SET identifier=
SET mp=

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://%server%:1935/%application%?as=%as%&av=%av%&te=%te%&mp=%mp%&et=% et%&fmta-token=%fmta-token%" -a "%application%?as=%as%&av=%av%&te=%te%&mp=%mp%&et= %et%&fmta-token=%fmta-token%" -y "%identifier%" -o output.flv

Therefore if you encounter a problem with anything stated in my earlier posts in this thread, or elsewhere on this forum, the first thing to do is try making these changes:

1. Change to

2. Change a1414/e3 to a5999/e1
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