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Old 07-22-2009, 11:49 PM
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How to convert .OMA files to .WAV, .WMA or any other audio format with Sonic Stage

  1. Download Sony Sonic Stage. This is a program capable of playing back and handling the .OMA files. Intall and run Sonic Stage.
  2. Wait while Sonic Stage automatically detects and imports your .OMA files. Once the .OMA files have been populated, go to the "create a CD" option in Sonic Stage.
  3. Drag the files that you want to convert onto the compact disc (CD) burn list. Then find the "Format" tab, and select "WAV" as the output format.
  4. Insert a blank CD, and then start burning. Once the CD burning is finished, take out the CD and then put it back in the computer's CD drive.
  5. Go to "My Computer," and select your CD. You will see your WAV files there. Create a new folder, and then copy the WAV tracks to the new folder.
  6. Use an audio formatting tool to convert the new files to WMA. If you are running Windows XP or Vista, you can simply right click these new files and select "convert to WMA" from the submenu.
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