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Old 09-11-2008, 02:00 PM
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Conversion to Windows Media(WM) of embedded programs(AvaCaster and Camtasia programs)

I have 2 different clients that have supplied me with training programs that I need to get converted to Windows media. One of the clients has AvaCaster material and the other one is a "CAMTASIA" created program that runs on a a flash platform. The Flashed based programs I have on CD, but they are a collection of embedded files that will only run when I click the icon for microsoft explore/html and then the program will play. I cannot see the audio files on the disk, I have to assume that they are embedded in the Flash programming.
the AVACASTER program is similar in that I can only get it to run when I click the Icon, no audio files are visible, but I can see lots of graphics slides.
Do I need to use a screen grab program(suggestions?) to get these captured real time or is there a converter that will do the trick?

any help is welcome.
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Old 09-11-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: Conversion to WM of embedded programs

Yeah, it seems to me your bes bet might be a Screen Capture program.

Check out the list there, try the free demo's and let me know if you have any questions.
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Old 09-20-2008, 12:23 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Conversion to Windows Media(WM) of embedded programs(AvaCaster and Camtasia progr

Do your programs require Internet access to watch the videos?

What kind of files do you have on your disks? Are there any FLV files? Are there any SWF files?
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