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Old 01-06-2017, 10:41 AM
rebel55427 rebel55427 is offline
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How to contact Webcam-archiver

Any idea how to contact Webcam-archiver?
OK. So My wife and I go on chaterbate and cam4. We like to purchase from webcam-archver to get our videos. They look better this way. BUT I purchased and downloaded 16 videos. BUT a day later my bank doesn't honor the card. I can an email from there is a problem. They don't answer their emails?
I also found webcam archivers have the MOST videos. All the other services do not have videos which is where my wife and are now. I can only get them on webcam-archver.

SECOND ISSUE. even after I purchased 15 days worth of downloading. When I went back in.. there is NO LOGIN - HOW do they know its me coming back to download more video?
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Old 02-20-2017, 11:47 PM
monkontherun monkontherun is offline
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Re: How to contact Webcam-archiver

your not the only one that has got burned by them
as you can see i have sent them enough emails and they just take your money, a lesson should be learned by this, any site that wants the money upfront and there is no where you sign up for and you are "supposed" to get something in the mail is full of it, I wish there was a way to file a complaint but they get suckers like you and me, 20 bucks gone
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Old 02-27-2017, 11:42 AM
rebel55427 rebel55427 is offline
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Re: How to contact Webcam-archiver

I did get 16 videos ... but I wanted my 15 days worth of downloading.

So if you have been to this site before.. what brought you here. Just curious. Were you a or fan.
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Old 02-28-2017, 05:26 AM
mmai21 mmai21 is offline
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Re: How to contact Webcam-archiver

Chuyá»?n nh?* th?*nh h?°ng Quá?*n Hai TPCHM
Chuyá»?n nh?* th?*nh h?°ng Quá?*n 2 Ä‘?°á»?c th?*nh lá?*p v?*o ng?*y 01/04/1997. Ä??°á»?c há»?p nhá??t từ 5 x??: B?¬nh Tr?°ng
Taxi tá??i th?*nh h?°ng

Chuyá»?n nh?* th?*nh h?°ng

Quá?*n 2 Ä‘?°á»?c th?*nh lá?*p v?*o ng?*y 01/04/1997. Ä??°á»?c há»?p nhá??t từ 5 x??: B?¬nh Tr?°ng, C??t L??i, Thá??nh MÄ© Lá»?i, An Kh??nh, An Ph?? của Huyện Thủ Ä?ức. Theo nghị định 03/NÄ?CP ng?*y 06/1/1997. Ná?±m á»? ph?*a Ä??´ng th?*nh phố HCM. Ph?*a Bá??c gi??p Thủ Ä?ức, B?¬nh Thá??nh. Nam gi??p quá?*n 7, Nh??n Trá??ch Ä?ồng Nai. Ä??´ng gi??p quá?*n 1, Qu??n 4, B?¬nh Thá??nh. Ban Ä‘á?§u từ 05 x?? tr??n sau t??ch th?*nh 11 Ph?°á»?ng gồm: An Ph??, An Kh??nh, Thá??o Ä?iá»?n, B?¬nh Tr?°ng, C??t L??i, Thá??nh Má»? Lá»?i, Thủ Thi??m, An Lá»?i Ä??´ng, B?¬nh An, B?¬nh Tr?°ng Ä??´ng, B?¬nh Tr?°ng T??y. Vá»›i tổng diện t?*ch l?* h??n 5017 ha. Ng?*y Ä‘á?§u má»›i th?*nh lá?*p Ä‘??y l?* huyện ph??t triá»?n n?´ng nghiệp vá»›i diện t?*ch Ä‘á??t n?´ng nghiệp l??n Ä‘á??n h??n 2500 ha. Nh?°ng lá??i l?* v??ng Ä‘á??t tr?©ng, bị nhiá»…m ph?¨n, má?·n th?°á»?ng ngá?*p n?°á»›c l??c triá»?u c?°á»?ng. Song lá??i c?? vị tr?* thuá?*n lá»?i Ä‘á»? h?¬nh th?*nh khu Ä‘?´ thị má»›i. L?* Ä‘á?§u mối giao th?´ng quan trá»?ng vá»? Ä‘?°á»?ng bá»™ Ä‘?°á»?ng thủy,Ä‘?°á»?ng sá??t ná»™i Ä‘?´. C?? tiá»?m nÄ?ng vá»? quá»? Ä‘á??t, má?*t Ä‘á»™ d??n c?° th?°a thá»›t. N??n UBND TP Ä‘?? ban h?*nh quyá??t định số 6577/ QÄ?- UB- QLÄ?T ph?? duyệt quy hoá??ch chung quá?*n 2 Ä‘á??n nÄ?m 2020. Vá»›i chức nÄ?ng ch?*nh l?* â€? Trung t??m dịch vá»?- th?°??ng má??i- c?´ng nghiệp- vÄ?n h??a- thá»? dá»?c thá»? thao vá»›i quy m?´ d??n số ổn định khoá??n 6000 d??n
Ng?*y 27/5/2005 UBND TP Ä‘?? k?* quyá??t định số 6566/ QÄ?- UBND vá»? ph?? duyệt chi tiá??t quy hoá??ch chung x??y dá»±ng khu Ä‘?´ thị má»›i thủ thi??m 1/5000 v?* Ä‘iá»?u chỉnh quy hoá??ch chi tiá??t Trung t??m khu Ä‘?´ thị má»›i thủ thi??m tỉ lệ 1/2000. Quy hoá??ch ph??t triá»?n.
C??ng vá»›i sá»± ph??t triá»?n của v??ng kinh tá?? trá»?ng Ä‘iá»?m ph?*a Nam v?* th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh, quá?*n 2 c?? vị tr?* quan trá»?ng, sá?? l?* trung t??m má»›i của th?*nh phố sau n?*y, đối diện khu Trung t??m c?© qua s?´ng S?*i G??n, l?* Ä‘á?§u mối giao th?´ng vá»? Ä‘?°á»?ng bá»™, Ä‘?°á»?ng xe lá»*a, Ä‘?°á»?ng thuá»· nối liá»?n th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh vá»›i c??c tỉnh: Ä?ồng Nai, B?¬nh D?°??ng, B?* Rịa-V?©ng T?*u. Quá?*n 2 c?? tiá»?m nÄ?ng vá»? quá»? Ä‘á??t x??y dá»±ng, má?*t Ä‘á»™ d??n số c??n th?°a thá»›t, Ä‘?°á»?c bao quanh bá»?i c??c s?´ng rá??ch lá»›n, m?´i tr?°á»?ng c??n hoang s?? n??n Ä‘?? nh??n l??n lá»?i thá?? vá»? vị tr?* kinh tá?? của m?¬nh. Khu Ä‘?´ thị má»›i Thủ Thi??m, trung t??m t?*i ch?*nh, th?°??ng má??i, dịch vá»? má»›i của th?*nh phố sá?? má»?c l??n á»? Ä‘??y trong thá»?i gian kh?´ng xa ná»?a.

Chuyá»?n nh?* th?*nh h?°ng chuyá»?n nh?* trá»?n g??i
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