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Old 11-23-2006, 10:05 AM
mworden mworden is offline
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Command line tool to rip one or more CD tracks? (Windows)


Can anyone suggest a free command line tool that I could use in a programming script (Rexx) for ripping one or more CD tracks? If it could rip directly to WAV format, that would be better since it would be faster. I would need to convert it to MP3 later, but that could be done overnight (with LAME) when I'm not using the computer. I don't want the PC to be tied up with a slow rip-and-convert-to-MP3 process if I can help it.

Thanks for any help,
Mark Worden
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Old 11-23-2006, 01:20 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Command line tool to rip one or more CD tracks? (Windows)

Long time ago I used CDFS.VXD CD driver on Win9x to show Audio CD's as WAV files in the file system. This replacement driver shows WAV files in a variety of qualities.

IMHO there is no any sense in using command line tools. Even on my 4-year old Intel Celeron CD ripping takes 15-minutes. Besides I use software like Exact Audio Copy that can get ID3 tags from CDDB database.
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Old 11-24-2006, 07:38 AM
mworden mworden is offline
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Re: Command line tool to rip one or more CD tracks? (Windows)

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder
Long time ago I used CDFS.VXD CD driver on Win9x to show Audio CD's as WAV files in the file system. This replacement driver shows WAV files in a variety of qualities.

IMHO there is no any sense in using command line tools. Even on my 4-year old Intel Celeron CD ripping takes 15-minutes. Besides I use software like Exact Audio Copy that can get ID3 tags from CDDB database.
Hi, thanks for responding...

I should have given a little more background...I'm working for a radio station where we have a series of CDs for a number of shows we air on a daily basis (i.e. "Show #1" is one hour in length, "Show #2" is half an hour, etc.). We get a new CD for each of these shows once a week to play on the weekend, then we put them into rotation to play during the week (we have roughly a year's worth of CDs for rotation, so they don't repeat a lot). What I want to do is take the next CD in rotation from the shelf for "Show #1" (it's a regular audio CD...not MP3 file), pop it into the CD drive, and click on an icon like "Rip Show #1 CD.rexx", which would be a Rexx script. I want this Rexx script that I've written to ask me for a date that will be included in the resulting WAV/MP3 filename, then rip the show from the CD and output something like "Show #1 Nov 27 Mon.wav". Going a little further, I could program my script to automatically calculate the next weekday date that the show hasn't been ripped for yet, based on the shows already in a folder (i.e. if it finds "Show #1 Nov 27 Mon.wav", "Show #1 Nov 28 Tue.wav", etc. then it would know the next one would be "Show #1 Nov 29 Wed.wav").

As it is now, I use Exact Audio Copy, too (which is great), and I watch the various folders to see which date is next in line for a CD to be ripped. I'd like to try to simplify it's not that big of a deal, but if I can do it, why not?

The speed factor comes in because if I can rip to WAV format quicker than converting to MP3 at the same time, then I don't have to wait so long before using the PC for something else that might be CPU-intensive. I also edit a lot of other programs and do various recording during the day, and the computer can slow to a crawl if I'm ripping a CD and converting to MP3 on-the-fly, and it takes longer. By ripping to WAV, I can get more CDs ripped in less time, then when I leave work for the day I have the computer start converting the WAVs to MP3 (I currently use dBPowerAmp for this). This PC is in need of a serious upgrade, but I'm working for a non-profit Christian radio station, and funds are limited. For now, I'm trying to make the best of what I have to work with.

On another note, I've been able to learn Rexx enough to be able to create scripts that can download many of our shows overnight, sometimes converting them from MP2 to MP3 (using the command line tool LAME), and if they don't need any editing, converting them to the proprietary format we use on-air (using another command line tool). In the meantime, these scripts are renaming these shows with the general format we use, saving me from this tedious and repetitive work, and helping to eliminate human error (can you say, "typo"? ). When I first started working here, it was time-consuming having to manually convert and rename the shows. Now I have more time for other things.

Hopefully, now you can see my desire to make use of command line tools that are available.

Thanks for any help,
Mark Worden
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Old 11-25-2006, 02:01 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Command line tool to rip one or more CD tracks? (Windows)

Sorry, but I can't suggest you software I've never used. You may try CDFS.VXD if you have Win9x. It will allow you to copy CD tracks as .wav files.

You may find free open source CD rippers at SourceForge ws

And the list of CD Ripping projects can be found at

p.s. As for slow computer, you may change the process priority easil. You shouldn't notice your computer slowing down after that when doing "insignificant" tasks.
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