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Old 06-01-2012, 06:09 AM
callten callten is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

Sorry, ignore previous post, as usual my stupidity was to blame.
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Old 06-01-2012, 10:03 AM
nick85 nick85 is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

hi. I'm new. Sorry for my ignorance, I don't really understand where I find my password hash. Could you please explain me how to find it?
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Old 06-01-2012, 11:29 AM
callten callten is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

Goto a chaturbate room in your browser and then goto the tools menu (or whatever it is in whichever browser you use) and "view source". Search that for "password" and you will see it, something like
password: 'pbkdf2_sha256$10000$B7osw0jRC3Qb$ etc etc etc kSMBOHwjzZk\u003D',
You need to go through and put a ^ in front of all the $'s and replace the \u003D with a "=" (minus the quotes). Then put the resulting string (starting with pdkd and ending with =) in place of "anonymous" in the 4th parameter in the rtmpdump command string.
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Old 06-01-2012, 12:16 PM
nick85 nick85 is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

thank you very much callten Now I find out why I couldn't find password ash... I wasn't in a room... thank you again
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Old 06-01-2012, 05:19 PM
non90 non90 is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

Originally Posted by greenythebeast View Post
Well I use an applescript that opens up an rtmpdump command with all the relevant information based on a username and it requires a -y parameter. Does that mean I'm out of luck now? Even in previous versions where the playpath was dynamically retrieved, the "mp4ublic-<username>" still worked :/
Hi, i think i used the same script just under windows. It stopped working like it is described here. Found it on a forum a few weeks ago. So I'm a total novice to rtmpdump. With more than a little effort i got it working again - so thanks to all the people here!!!

BUT... the script i found used a (for me) complex definition of the output file name to prevent overwriting. That is because the "batch" file (Windows) starts the rtmpdump.exe just again and again after hitting a key. So if the "model" just had a little break or the connection is lost, you can go on without starting the batch file again (and entering the model name). But i don't really have a clue how the commands for the variable filename work.

And this "-o" definition doesn't work anymore with the new needed parameters (password hash). If this "-o" line is submitted, the error is just you described: "You must specify a playpath (--playpath) or url (-r "rtmp://host[ort]/playpath") containing a playpath"

If I replace that with a fixed filename like test.flv it works fine. So... HELP! Just like i said, I'm a beginner. So if it has nothing to do with rtmpdump, please don't hit me. But I would appreciate any help I can get from all the experts here. Because i find this method very useful.

So... here are the (shorten) lines that work and don't work.

Work (fixed filename after "-o"):
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,1,102,63" -W "" -p "" -C S:**** -C S:%username% -C S:2.607 -C S:**** -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" --live -y "anything_here" -o "chaturbate\test.flv"
Don't Work (variable filename depends on model name, date and time):
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,1,102,63" -W "" -p "" -C S:**** -C S:%username% -C S:2.607 -C S:**** -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%" --live -y "anything_here" -o "chaturbate\%username%-%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-10,2%%time:~-11,2%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%.flv"
You see that the model name is given as the variable %username% that you have to give to the batch file. It works fine at the "-p" and "C S:" parameters, but not in the "-o". So just using -o "%username%.flv" will get that error. But using only the %date and %time part with fixed model name before (test-%date:... and so on) work neither - get the same error.

Can anybody help me?

Hope my English is not to bad so everybody understand this. If something is not clear or you need more/different information please ask!
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Old 06-02-2012, 03:17 AM
callten callten is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

It works fine for me when I put the various parameters in the following order...
rtmpdump -r -a -f -W -p -y -o -C S:username -C S: broadcaster_name -C S:2.607 -C S:password -v -T
And secondly, I would create a %filename% variable outside the rtmpdump command with the date and time formatted and then pass that in as a single variable. It's just less crap to go wrong inside the command and you can echo the filename before you start the rtmpdump command to make sure it's all working (especially if you are having problems with the -o parameter).
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Old 06-02-2012, 03:48 AM
RDLS RDLS is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

Hello, I was directed to this thread by a friend trying to help me fix my code. I've been following along to the best of my ability but I seem to be doing something wrong because I keep on getting the "Model status is error" message. I've gone over the code several times and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.
This is what I have so far:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,1,102,63" -W "" -p "" -y "mp4:public-%username%" -o "chaturbate\%username%-%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-10,2%%time:~-11,2%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%.flv" -C S:Username -C S:%username% -C S:2.607 -C S:password-v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%"

Going off of a previous post I got my password from Chaturbate and put "^" in front of all the $ symbols as well as changing \u003D to "=" so I don't think that's what's causing it to not work. If anyone could give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:19 AM
non90 non90 is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

Originally Posted by callten View Post
It works fine for me when I put the various parameters in the following order...
rtmpdump -r -a -f -W -p -y -o -C S:username -C S: broadcaster_name -C S:2.607 -C S:password -v -T
And secondly, I would create a %filename% variable outside the rtmpdump command with the date and time formatted and then pass that in as a single variable. It's just less crap to go wrong inside the command and you can echo the filename before you start the rtmpdump command to make sure it's all working (especially if you are having problems with the -o parameter).
Thank you very much for your fast and brilliant help! It works for me also now.

Damn... so it was "only" the right order of the parameters. Just a little bit picky that fine and very useful tool is. *lol* Next time (don't hope there will be one) i will test that too.

I even create the filename now outside of the -o parameter just like you said, or most of it (time and date variables, then combine it with the username variable in the -o parameter line). But that wouldn't help with the old order of parameters because it failed at that moment any variable was given in it's line.

So... thank you very much again!
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Old 06-02-2012, 10:55 AM
non90 non90 is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

Originally Posted by RDLS View Post
Hello, I was directed to this thread by a friend trying to help me fix my code. I've been following along to the best of my ability but I seem to be doing something wrong because I keep on getting the "Model status is error" message. I've gone over the code several times and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.
This is what I have so far:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "live-edge" -f "WIN 11,1,102,63" -W "" -p "" -y "mp4:public-%username%" -o "chaturbate\%username%-%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-10,2%%time:~-11,2%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%.flv" -C S:Username -C S:%username% -C S:2.607 -C S:password-v -T "m9z#$dO0qe34Rxe@sMYxx%"

Going off of a previous post I got my password from Chaturbate and put "^" in front of all the $ symbols as well as changing \u003D to "=" so I don't think that's what's causing it to not work. If anyone could give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated.
Hi! I don't have a concrete suspicion what is wrong in your command line but for 2 things that are different from my working one:

1. There is no space between the "password" and the "-v" parameter but I guess it will be in your original one with your password hash. Or?

2. I don't use -y "mp4ublic-%username%" anymore but this: -y "anything_here". But if i get it right it should not matter.

So here the errors of my trying out to get it going, perhaps it will help you also:

- It seems not to work to just write the ^ before the $. Not until I used notepad and the find/replace function there. So I copied the password line out of the source code to notepad, use find/replace to replaced $ with ^$ (both really typed in the dialog box of notepad's find/replace) and do the "=" thing the same way. Then I copied the resulting line to my batch-file.

- And maybe copy your username out of the source code also. An upper case character where it don't belong can make a lot of trouble. The website login doesn't care, the rtmpdump command line does. *lol*

And I don't use the complex filename function anymore. Didn't even test it if it will do in the new order of parameters, but if I get it right, member callten did so. I now use this instead:

FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=/. " %%a in ('date/T') do set _date=%%c-%%b-%%d%%a
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=/: " %%a in ('time/T') do set _time=%%a.%%b.%%c%time:~6,2%
rtmpdump -r ... ... -y "anything_here" -o "chaturbate\%username%_%_date%_%_time%.flv" ...
Beware that I have shorten the rtmpdump command line! And I just found the "FOR" commands on the web, so don't ask my how it works. But it does. *lol* Dumped files then named like this: username_2012-06-02_17.40.05.flv.

Hope it will work for you. Wish you luck!
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Old 06-06-2012, 08:57 PM
Alabaster Alabaster is offline
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Re: SecureToken problems

Originally Posted by callten View Post
Sorry, ignore previous post, as usual my stupidity was to blame.
callten, what were you doing that made you receive the NetStream.Play.Failed error message? Obviously, my stupidity is doing the same thing.
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