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Old 10-02-2007, 06:16 AM
flub flub is offline
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CBS Innertube - Site changed and no longer able to capture streaming videos


CBS Innertube have recently changed their video player. Since this change I've been unable to capture the streams.

I've tried Replay AV and Media catcher but nothing seems to work. I've tried it with FF, IE and Opera.

any help advice would be much appreciated.
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:46 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: CBS Innertube - Site changes and no longer able to capture streaming videos

That's weird. I've tried Replay Media Catcher and it recorded RTMP .FLV flash video without any problem.
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:48 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: CBS Innertube - Site changes and no longer able to capture streaming videos

What kind of stream exactly did you try to record? What player was selected in the Player settings at CBS Innertube?
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:55 AM
flub flub is offline
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Re: CBS Innertube - Site changes and no longer able to capture streaming videos

Hi thanks for getting back.

Ah man, just restarted Firefox at it works fine NOW!!!

LOL thanks anyway. If it stops again I'll get back to you.

P.S Great site and forum. It's helped me immensly !
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Old 10-02-2007, 12:16 PM
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Re: CBS Innertube - Site changed and no longer able to capture streaming videos

Thank you for you warm words.

If you like to thank us, just link to our web-sites. The following web-page will help you to do it:
Link to us
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:54 PM
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Re: CBS Innertube - Site changed and no longer able to capture streaming videos

Hi, I have been a fan of CBS shows on the Innertube site since that site began in the summer of 2006. However, as the original poster of this thread noted, the Innertube site changed its player settings as of approx. October 1. No longer do I get a choice of which player to play the videos in. It seems that the videos play automatically in the Flash Player (which I had before and do now still.) See before, I was able to choose Real Player and actually by right clicking I was able to select to play in Real Player itself and not just in Firefox/Safari (I am on a Mac OS 10.4.9 -- latest as of the day of this posting).

Now, I am able to play the videos but the video is MUCH choppier and drags behind video. Can you look into this and see what is going on and if there is still an option for me to play in Real Video player? I would be much obliged.

Now, I found this link which can play some of CBS Innertube videos:

I am not sure what they have done to re-direct CBS links (for lack of a better word). They don't have the videos to the shows I watch (Guiding Light, As the World Turns, and the Young and the Restless -- all under Daytime category).

Thanks for looking into this. I haven 't been able to find any official info/announcement on why CBS has changed something in Innertube. As of now, the videos are so choppy that they are unwatchable when played directly in the browsers, but are watchable when played through the link I gave you (but that link doesn't link to all shows (just the popular ones like Jericho.)
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Old 10-12-2007, 04:45 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: CBS Innertube - Site changed and no longer able to capture streaming videos

Originally Posted by cbsfan View Post
Now, I am able to play the videos but the video is MUCH choppier and drags behind video. Can you look into this and see what is going on and if there is still an option for me to play in Real Video player? I would be much obliged.
Actually I don't really know how to change a player. There are Player settings where I can choose flash player and very rarely Windows Media player.

But you always can record videos for your personal use and watch them without and drags.

The following FAQ might also help to get smoother playback:
Troubleshooting: Poor audio/video quality of a stream

You should also write to CBS using feedback page to tell about your experience with the new video format.

Originally Posted by cbsfan View Post
Now, I found this link which can play some of CBS Innertube videos.
I am not sure what they have done to re-direct CBS links (for lack of a better word). They don't have the videos to the shows I watch (Guiding Light, As the World Turns, and the Young and the Restless -- all under Daytime category).
Just ask the guys at compbrain to reveal the secret of getting real video links Or just to add the links to your favorite show. If this information becomes public, then most probably the loophole will be closed.

My choice: Record flash videos and watch them later on. Definitely smooth playback!
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Old 10-14-2007, 07:41 AM
compn compn is offline
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Re: CBS Innertube - Site changed and no longer able to capture streaming videos

Originally Posted by cbsfan View Post
Firefox/Safari (I am on a Mac OS 10.4.9 -- latest as of the day of this posting).
Originally Posted by cbsfan View Post
Now, I am able to play the videos but the video is MUCH choppier and drags behind video. Can you look into this and see what is going on and if there is still an option for me to play in Real Video player? I would be much obliged.
i run into this same problem on my mac box. dont know how to fix it yet. upgraded flash to latest stable. safari/firefox/opera are all laggy when playing flash. firefox is currently using 50% cpu on site (to test if plugins are installed), goes back down to .3% when i close that site.

like stream recorder says, if you record then play the .flv files, it will play fine.
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