How do you record rtmp Streams (Direct Video Links)
I know there's a thread on this but since last Monday I haven't been able to catch any CBS video on any rtmp video recorder.
But I found a way of finding the direct link for all of the files that enables me to download them directly to my hard drive. But this only works for the http protocol videos, which inlcudeds the promo's/sneak peek.
However it doesn't work for the RTMP, is there any way that I could use a direct RTMP address and download it direct like I would for an HTTP. Because no browser enable you to open an RTMP link.
rtmp:// dfb<break>flv/CBS_Production/CBS_Production_Entertainment/2008/07/11/Daytime/As_the_World_Turns/Full_Episodes/Rebroadcast/790123684_CBS_Production_Entertainment_-_Flash_from_4_3_TV_-_30fps.flv
Last edited by Stream Ripper : 08-06-2008 at 12:25 PM.