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Old 08-30-2007, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Can't record Windows Media stream with WM Recorder. How Can I Tell If DRM Protected?

I'm a newbie to capturing streaming video and I'm trying to use WM Recorder from my work PC to capture videos from the following website.

Specifically I'm trying to get the High res W/Media videos without success.

Having never done this before I don't know if it's not working due to DRM protection, internet security on my work PC, or my own ignorance. What would I see if it were due to DRM?

When I try to capture using either ADA or PRO mode is says "connecting" at first then "Cancelled". I've even saved the .asx files the links refer to, copied the .asf URLs in those files and tried to capture them directly using the URL mode but it just gives me connecting MMS first, then connecting HTTP, then connecting RTSP, then cancelled.

I'm guessing the problem is with the security settings on my work PC internet connection but I'd like to be sure it's not DRM related. It would also be nice to know for future reference how DRM issues show up in WM Recorder. Any help would be appreciated.

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Old 08-30-2007, 09:45 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Can't record Windows Media stream with WM Recorder. How Can I Tell If DRM Protect

I had no problem recording an RTSP Windows Media video stream from with WM Recorder in the ADA mode.

Have you tried to check the Internet connection (Mode->Internet Connection)?
Can you play the steams from this web-site?
Do you have a firewall?

Does stream URLs your WMRecorder finds on this web-site look like the following one?
rtsp:// 1aK-bg1Tta-kJa-Lvd&aifp=0001
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Old 08-30-2007, 11:49 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Can't record Windows Media stream with WM Recorder. How Can I Tell If DRM Protect

Stream Recorder

Thanks for the prompt reply and checking this for me.

I can play the streams from the website and the URLs I had looked similar except that mine were mms instead of rtsp. However, WM Recorder seemed to try both rtsp and http when mms was unsuccessful.

When I did the internet connection test it told me that all of them were OK, but since this is my work computer the company does have a firewall and I thought it still might be preventing the recording. I'm in the process of upgrading from dialup at home so I don't have broadband there yet.

At this point it looks like the firewall or my ignorance is the problem. If it's the firewall I can eliminate that when I get my home broadband connection. If it's my ignorance I'll just readup some more on WM Recorder and browse the info on this forum.

Just for future reference is there some obvious indication with WM Recorder if you encounter a DRM protected stream?

Thanks for your help.
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Old 08-30-2007, 01:07 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Can't record Windows Media stream with WM Recorder. How Can I Tell If DRM Protect

Do you use the latest version of WM Recorder?

In the PRO mode it should be able to record your streams 'coz you can play them. In this mode it captures packets from your Windows Media Player.

You may try to play with ports and protocols however I suggest you to find the URLs of the streams with freeware URL Snooper and compare them with the ones WM Recorder finds. If they are different, then try to use WM Recorder in the URL mode with the URL from the URL Snooper.

If I'm not mistaken WM Recorder can record DRM protected streams. It can't remove DRM from them so you may have problems playing your recordings unless you remove DRM protection.
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