Hi, all!
Help me please download video from
this page:
I have tried three ways already and they don't work. More in details:
1. I found manifest file for this movie from
here. Then I used script in HDS Downloader:
php.exe -f AdobeHDS.php -- --delete --quality high --manifest "http://videomore.ru/video/file/e8f280f3be179b8df73b12d28a21b89d/1353727910/34457.f4m"
And got this:
KSV Adobe HDS Downloader
Processing manifest info....
Quality Selection:
Available: 1200 700 300
Selected : 1200
Downloading 1647/1647 fragments
Found 1647 fragments
Unknown packet type 41 encountered! Encrypted fragments can't be recovered.
I know that 2 days ago this site enabled DRM protection for this movie. And seems this method is no longer works. But there are also 2 other methods which unfortunately also became partially broken after this event.
2. Inside above mentioned manifest file we can found string:
If add this string
"eb1a5c5eae9c8e1527e2612d1096117c" once again and finish by
"-q#.mp4" where # is number corresponding video quality, we'll get full link, for example:
This link still not working, so we need additionally to replace
http://megacdn.ru/v/ with
http://v-18-1.videomore.ru/v-18-1 (try other server numbers if you get error 404). As a result we got fully working link:
But this method works only for low/medium (or q4/q5) quality, not for hq (q3).
3. There is also third way to get links for this movie. And it was the best until recently. This
page contains ready links to the movie files in all qualities. But 2 days ago these links stopped working. For first two links I found way by deleting word "drm" from link path. But third link protected by hash and deleting word "drm" makes link non-working:
So help me please to get working link for high quality. It's necessary not only for me but for a lot of people who watched this film from torrent created on the files from this site. In saturday new serie will be released and we don't know what to do. There are no more alter sources for this film in russia.
I know about
russian part of forum but it seldom visited and strictly speaking I come here just because I interested to hear opinions of foreign people.
I wrote this post 2 days ago but moderators not published it by some reasons. Since that moment all methods mentioned here stopped work completely...