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Old 08-25-2007, 01:24 PM
SweetHina SweetHina is offline
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can't figure this out (, are you willing to try?

upon reading previous posts it looks like this one is gonna be the most difficult one.

~has anyone tried wget ( [from previous post], does it really work?

~any updates on how to get those videos/music downloaded?

~recommend any software [free if possible] to actually get the mnet videos/music?

~Mnet is a korean site, updating it with videos that have been shown on their (tv) station.
~before watching any videos, or listening to any music, (if requested) you'll encounter an activex software download in order to play a Cast Player / Vod Player (AOD Player for music).
~upon playing the video, no right-clicks, none saved on your history folder like what a (streaming) flash video would be in when the video is being uploaded onto your computer (example: from crunchyroll)
~showing an example of this video: Mnet video example
music: Mnet music example

If taking up on this & succeed, you can send me the video & how you've done it, and I would take back having said it is difficult.
If taking up on it (or not) & don't succeed, I guess this is the best way for people who can't get their hands on them and there is no way to get it (trying not to make it sound so mean).

Thank you for your time on reading this, I'll be checking back from time to time, & good luck n.n
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Old 08-26-2007, 11:53 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: can't figure this out (, are you willing to try?

Unfortunately I can't play the streams.

I got the following URL with URL Snooper:

changing mxv:// to http://, mms:// and rtsp:// doesn't help to record the stream.
I suggest you to try WM Recorder in the Real time recording mode (ADA or PRO). It might help.

Also try Replay Media Catcher with both audio and video streams.

Both WM Recorder and Replay Media Catcher are free to try so you can use their demo versions for free.
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Old 08-26-2007, 02:34 PM
Kron Kron is offline
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Re: can't figure this out (, are you willing to try?

I haven't been able to play videos from that site as I always get errors (should I log in, maybe?). However I've succeded at downloading the videos that use the "black" player (wich I think are the newer videos) by using the http protocol instead of the one in the url given by URL Snooper. But that doesn't work with the videos that use the "pink" and "green" players, wich seem to be located on a different server. Also, I think the activex player that you install uses p2p technology. Might that be the reason why you get those strange protocols in the URLs?
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Old 08-27-2007, 01:33 PM
SweetHina SweetHina is offline
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Re: can't figure this out (, are you willing to try?

Originally Posted by Kron
I haven't been able to play videos from that site as I always get errors (should I log in, maybe?). However I've succeded at downloading the videos that use the "black" player (wich I think are the newer videos) by using the http protocol instead of the one in the url given by URL Snooper. But that doesn't work with the videos that use the "pink" and "green" players, wich seem to be located on a different server. Also, I think the activex player that you install uses p2p technology. Might that be the reason why you get those strange protocols in the URLs?
I don't know korean since I'm not korean myself, but you don't have to sign in just to watch the videos.

I've tried the Replay A/V, WM Recorder, Replay Media Catcher, it won't work, even the link SweetHina supplied for the video.
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Old 09-01-2007, 12:55 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: can't figure this out (, are you willing to try?

In the following thread
Recording music videos from (p3mxv:// .wmv)
a user was able to find "p3mx v:// ... .wmv" URL with freeware URL Snooper.

I still can't play any videos from
If you can find a similar URL, try to change p3mx v:// onto http and record it.
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