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Old 06-07-2015, 05:20 AM
hockeyandcricketfan hockeyandcricketfan is offline
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Can you help me download this file?

This is from:


When I look inside wireshark, I see:


notice it says "sd" (low quality standard definition) in the name right before the .mp4 extension. I think there might also be a higher quality version of the file available but i dont know how to get to it.

I checked the html source and found this:


It looks like the original file. When I go there, nothing happens, just a blank page. Obviously I need some sort of key...but that's where I get stuck because it is out of my scope of knowledge right now. If anyone would be kind enough, could you tell me if it is even possible to get to that address or if there are other quality of this file available? Where would I have to look inside the packet capture? Thanks a lot.
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Old 06-07-2015, 04:49 PM
biezom biezom is offline
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Re: Can you help me download this file?

Originally Posted by hockeyandcricketfan View Post
This is from:


When I look inside wireshark, I see:


notice it says "sd" (low quality standard definition) in the name right before the .mp4 extension. I think there might also be a higher quality version of the file available but i dont know how to get to it.

I checked the html source and found this:


It looks like the original file. When I go there, nothing happens, just a blank page. Obviously I need some sort of key...but that's where I get stuck because it is out of my scope of knowledge right now. If anyone would be kind enough, could you tell me if it is even possible to get to that address or if there are other quality of this file available? Where would I have to look inside the packet capture? Thanks a lot.

youtube-dl "" -o Connor-McDavid-Interview-6-6-15.mp4
[] 827995: Downloading JSON metadata
[] 827995: Extracting information
[] 827995: Downloading final video url
[download] Destination: Connor-McDavid-Interview-6-6-15.mp4
[download] 100% of 51.87MiB in 01:54
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Old 06-07-2015, 05:56 PM
hockeyandcricketfan hockeyandcricketfan is offline
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Re: Can you help me download this file?


Thanks for that, but that one I was able to get already. It's the "sd" version of the mp4, I got it through youtube-dl as well. When I tried to get better resolutions it would only show this one.

I put the publish point which directs to what looks like the original mp4 file. Is this address reachable? When you click the link it goes nowhere, so it must need a key...I have no idea how to get it.

Thank you for your help, though. Much appreciate that.
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Old 06-13-2015, 06:35 AM
hockeyandcricketfan hockeyandcricketfan is offline
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Re: Can you help me download this file?

So I'm still stuck trying to figure this out...still wondering if one of you pros out there knows how to do this.

Different file but same problem.

So far I know it's an encrypted video path, and the formula, I guess, of how how to put the path together, but I'm missing some
key pieces of information. I looked through wireshark for certain urls but still nothing worked.

This is how you have to piece it together to get the path:

So this is the publish point data

"name":"Connor at Play: Episode 4",
"trackName":"Connor at Play: Episode 4",
"description":"Episode Four of the Connor at Play series presented by Canadian Tire features Connor McDavid\'s visit to the Stanley Cup Final in Chicago.",

What I want to get is the master file.

Anyway I get to here and there's some Java code which I don't know. All those substrings are needed to put the path together which I highlighted in red. Thanks again to anyone who reads this.

			var pp = video.publishPoint;
			pp = pp.substring(pp.indexOf("://")+3);
			var p1 = pp.substring(0, pp.indexOf("."));
			var p2 = pp.substring(pp.indexOf(".")).replace(":443","");
			var p3 = "";
				p3 = p2.substring(p2.indexOf("?"));
				p2 = p2.substring(0, p2.indexOf("?"));
			var dt = "_iphone";
			var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
				dt = "_ipad";
			else if(ua.indexOf("android")!=-1)
					dt = "_android";
					dt = "_androidtab";
			p2 = p2.replace("_pc",dt);
			pp = "http://" + p1 + NL_HTML5_PREFIX + p2 + ".m3u8" + p3; 
			getHTML5PublishPointCallback({path:video.publishPoint.replace("/s/", "/u/")});
	function getHTML5PublishPointCallback(obj)
		var path = obj.path;
		var obj = VideoCenter.nhl_playerMap[lastInstance];
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