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Old 03-27-2015, 08:23 PM
rubiohiguey rubiohiguey is offline
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Can someone explain livestreamer to me?


Can somebody be so nice and explain livestreamer to me?
I see several posts such as
where livestreamer is used.

I guess if AdobeHDS could be used (unencrypted f4m), posters would not suggest livestreamer.

So can somebody PLEASE explain to me what is the purpose of livestreamer and what does it do? I tried to understand it form livestreamer site but I am no wiser.

Is my supposition correct that livestreamer can actually somehow "record" protected/encrypted HDS streams?
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Old 03-28-2015, 12:11 PM
nullacht nullacht is offline
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Re: Can someone explain livestreamer to me?

The main purpose of Livestreamer is to allow the user to avoid buggy and CPU heavy flash plugins but still be able to enjoy various streamed content.

Supported streaming protocols:

Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming 	hds://
Akamai HD Adaptive Streaming 	akamaihd://
Apple HTTP Live Streaming 	hls:// hlsvariant://
Real Time Messaging Protocol 	rtmp:// rtmpe:// rtmps:// rtmpt:// rtmpte://
Progressive HTTP, HTTPS, etc 	httpstream://
Encrypted streams are currently not supported. There are no tools that are publicly available to decrypt such encrypted files. But it works very well with unencrypted streams.
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