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Old 06-02-2010, 08:09 PM
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Can a site owner tell if I'm capturing streaming video?

Hi. I'm new to this site, and have only limited experience in capturing streaming media.

I've just signed up for a paid video subscription site that has a strict download limit of one video file per day (for which they have a controlled download system set up). I can watch videos as many times as I like online, but in order to use the site I've had to agree that I won't try and download any more than my one-a-day quota, or else my membership could be cancelled, and I'd lose my subscription fee.

Often, though, I don't have the time or the download quota to keep watching things online, so am wondering whether the site owners can have any way of telling whether or not people are capturing videos anyway, using (e.g.) Firefox's DownloadHelper. (I did a test before I joined, and it does seem to be possible to download .flv files from the site in this way.)

If they do have some way of telling this, can I avoid the problem if I use a program to capture what's actually streaming on my screen, rather than using a downloader? And which would be the best program(s) to use if I need to go down this path? (I've seen people tallk about Orbit Downloader -- does Orbit do this sort of thing, or is it strictly a downloader?)

Many thanks for your help!
Old 06-03-2010, 02:30 AM
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Re: Can a site owner tell if I'm capturing streaming video?

Risks to Recording...? Can I be detected and sued for capturing streaming lectures?
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