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Old 09-02-2014, 01:51 PM
Littledogs2 Littledogs2 is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

Bravo. Thanks
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Old 09-29-2014, 07:45 AM
babyhails babyhails is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

hi, i'm new here. is there anyway i can save the script from itunes festival?

i tried recording it with video capture but my computer isnt the best and the frame rate was too high so i'm looking for the best quality orginal file from the stream.

using http sniffer i found this:

i tried using the deadmau5 one as template and i inputted this:

ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\hails\Desktop\277228393_thescript_vod.m3 u8" -c copy "Concert.mkv"

it said: invalid data found when processing input.

i then tried downloading the deadmau5 file from the m3u8 on this forum. it said http error 403 forbidden... failed to open segment of playlist 0.... failed to open first segment... input/output error.

the deadmau5 m3u8 file opens in itunes. it says internet songs but doesnt play.
my script m3u8 does not open at all in itunes.

would be really grateful for any help. thanks

Last edited by babyhails : 09-29-2014 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 09-29-2014, 12:48 PM
babyhails babyhails is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

anyone know what im doing wrong? ^^

Last edited by babyhails : 09-29-2014 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 09-29-2014, 10:27 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

Have you tried Replay Music yet?

It's usually what I use for iTunes playlists etc
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Old 09-30-2014, 12:37 AM
babyhails babyhails is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

Originally Posted by Stream Ripper View Post
Have you tried Replay Music yet?

It's usually what I use for iTunes playlists etc

Thanks for the advice but it's a video stream playing through itunes, I've seen on here the stream is many .ts files in a .m3u8 playlist. I need access to that playlist file as I think that's where I'm going wrong with ffmpeg.
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Old 09-30-2014, 07:24 PM
BlueCop BlueCop is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

here is a shell script I found that can save the itunes festival streams.

I wrote a little script to generate chapter marks from song changes in file names. I also took the setlist to add the song titles for chapter marks. I have them for several shows. I adjusted them because some cut in the middle of speech, little too early or late. if anyone is interested.

here is one for pharrell.
if you save that as pharrellwilliams.txt
you can add the chapter marks with this command.
ffmpeg -i pharrellwilliams.ts -f ffmetadata -i pharrellwilliams.txt -c copy pharrellwilliams.mkv
if shouldn't matter the input format but the output would need chapter support(ex. mkv).

the raw ts stream has some kind of timed id3 meta data. I haven't been able to find anything to parse these tags. If you download with ffmpeg then they are auto-stripped anyway though. I was hoping these would be song titles and/or timecodes. I am not sure.

The song number change in the file titles and the segment duration in the m3u8 is enough to calculate the chapter points though
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Old 10-01-2014, 11:21 AM
babyhails babyhails is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

Originally Posted by BlueCop View Post
here is a shell script I found that can save the itunes festival streams.

I wrote a little script to generate chapter marks from song changes in file names. I also took the setlist to add the song titles for chapter marks. I have them for several shows. I adjusted them because some cut in the middle of speech, little too early or late. if anyone is interested.

here is one for pharrell.
if you save that as pharrellwilliams.txt
you can add the chapter marks with this command.

if shouldn't matter the input format but the output would need chapter support(ex. mkv).

the raw ts stream has some kind of timed id3 meta data. I haven't been able to find anything to parse these tags. If you download with ffmpeg then they are auto-stripped anyway though. I was hoping these would be song titles and/or timecodes. I am not sure.

The song number change in the file titles and the segment duration in the m3u8 is enough to calculate the chapter points though
Thanks for the help but I don't understand anything about script or what I do with it. Where do I need to put the script into?

I downloaded wireshark (cant get it to work), i have http sniffer and ffmpeg.

I don't really care about the chapters I just want the 1hr25 concert. Any type or format would do.

i tried to create a script but .sh is for linux isn't it? i only run windows 7.

this was the script i had, it was a txt file i renamed .js for windows but it says line 1 character 1 error or something like that. what am i doing wrong?

this was the script:


mkdir -p $thescript
cd $thescript

index=$(curl -s -b "$cookie" | tail -n1)
files=$(curl -s -b "token=expires=1412223303~access=/auth/*~md5=ca2f408cd8c0397c7a200a7235b327f3"$index)
for i in $files; do
if [[ "$i" =~ ".ts" ]]; then
curl -b "$cookie"$i > $i
cat * > $thescript.ts
mv $thescript.ts ../
cd ..
rm -r $thescript

Last edited by babyhails : 10-01-2014 at 01:16 PM.
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Old 10-01-2014, 01:01 PM
babyhails babyhails is offline
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Re: How can I save this stream ?

anyone got any other ideas for saving the itunes festival stream? i really dont understand scripts and stuff like that.
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