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Old 01-19-2010, 03:43 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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How can I record Netflix streams on a Mac (Silverlight for OS X)

Netflix streams just fine on my Mac under Opera, but I still can't get Netflix content in Linux.

Are there any ways to watch Netflix streams in Linux besides having a virtual machine with Windows?

If not, how can I record Netflix streams in Mac OS to watch them in Linux?
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Old 01-19-2010, 05:11 AM
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Re: How can I record Netflix streams on a Mac (Silverlight for OS X)

I don't really know whether Netflix uses Flash Video or Windows Media format for Mac OS clients. Also I don't really know whether Netflix videos that are played with Silverlight use DRM protection (although this is very unlikely).

So the only thing I can suggest is to use screen video capture software on a Mac.

Or even better, keep bugging Netflix so thay they start supporting Linux. The Roku HD-XR Player that streams Netflix movies has an embedded Linux system, so it should be pretty easy for Netflix to support desktops and laptops with Linux.
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Old 01-04-2011, 12:30 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: How can I record Netflix streams on a Mac (Silverlight for OS X)

How to record Netflix Movie and save it to hard drive on a Mac

Netflix Movies is one of the best websites in the US to watch movies, TV shows and TV episodes online. But Netflix is restricted to the USA. Also, slow internet connection can cause buffering (long time pauses) constantly when the server is too busy or due to network congestion. How annoying it could be when you are watching you favorite movie? However, this is not as worse as when you missed some perfect TV program online as you were busy. For example, some sports game or soap operas are only showed once. Do you want to record Netflix movies or TV shows automatically without holding your camcorder in front of your Mac? Here is a simple software that can help you to record Netflix movies and save them to your hard drive. High quality picture and clear sound from inside of the video can be saved onto your Mac computer automatically.

ScreenFlow for Mac is a tremendous tool to record movies from Netflix. It's surprisingly easy-to-use for even for newbies. No professional knowledge is required. You can record Netflix movie and save it to MOV, WMV, etc. ScreenFlow allows to sync audio and video automatically.

How to record Netflix movie on a Mac with ScreenFlow
  1. Download ScreenFlow, a screen video capture software for Mac, and let the installation Wizard guide you through the process of installation.
  2. Launch ScreenFlow for Mac and the following dialog window will appear:

    Use default settings and choose the device you want to record audio from, then press the Record button.
  3. When you finish your recording, press command-shift-2 to stop recording. ScreenFlow will create a new video files with Netflix recording
  4. Export and share the recorded video easily. Press Command-E or select "Export" from the File menu to export your recorded Netflix video:

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