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Old 05-03-2008, 11:59 PM
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Can only get about 50% of a RTMP FLV stream, then it just stops recording

Happens with both Orbit Downloader and Replay Media Catcher - the site has an embedded player, which plays an rtmp stream. It's not live, you can pause, seek, etc. If I watch the video the way you're supposed to, it goes through the entire video without a problem. But if I record using either program, it starts out fine, but it just stops recording about halfway through.

The stopping point is different every time... sometimes I get about 320 MB of the movie, sometimes like 340... never more. It should be about 600 MB. It doesn't show the movie as completed. It's the full version of the program so it's not some kind of trial limitation.

I thought maybe it was two different streams, part 1 and part 2, but neither program sees a second stream. The only other useful piece of info is that the orbit log says it can't resume. I have tried keeping the page open while I download the stream but it doesn't seem to matter. I also tried some other options (including just screen capture) but I'd really like to work out what the problem here is.

I can link you to the video but you have to be registered to watch it. Don't worry, it's not copyrighted.
The rtmp link seems to be
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Old 06-16-2009, 05:56 AM
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Re: Can only get about 50% of a RTMP FLV stream, then it just stops recording

I've notified the developer of Replay Media Catcher.

Right now I can only suggest to try capturing such RTMP streams with Jaksta. Jaksta downloads streams by default, but it can capture packets coming to your flash player.
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Old 02-02-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: Can only get about 50% of a stream, then it just stops recording

I got sick of using orbits grabit++ tool although its free there is just too much stuffing around and it doesn't work all the time.

I then started using Replay Media Catcher and Jaksta. Jaksta works all the time and has worked perfectly since I bought it a few months ago.
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