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Old 09-25-2013, 03:30 PM
Nomorecocktails Nomorecocktails is offline
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Can ffmpeg be used to grab cspan videos?

I am truly amazed by the power of ffmpeg and its ability to grab online videos. Can ffmpeg be used to get cspan videos? I know RTMP dump works and that is what i use now but a lot of the time the first few seconds of cspan vids are pixelated. Also I have no real way of editing them - conversion to mp4 causes A/V to go out of sync and rewrapping it in mp4 make the video act like it is fast forward when i bring it into premiere. So i was looking for an alternate way of grabbing cspan videos without screen capping.
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Old 10-02-2013, 12:06 AM
blimey blimey is offline
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Re: Can ffmpeg be used to grab cspan videos?

it is a little foggy in my brain stuff, but i remember cspan have 5-minute and 1 hour segments, and the flash player somehow splice in one of the 5-minute links at the point where a couple of the 1 hour links would have an interruption.

the 5-minute and 1 hour links seem to be all done automated from the live stream. sometimes for popluar video, cspan make a trimmed copy with no joints and only one file.

i doubt ffmpeg could mesh up all that seperate links, but maybe for the trimmed links.

also, i seem to remember that the frame rate seems like something but really it is not that, but rather 24.

you can remux them to mp4 but first trim off the ends where you see the pixelation. make the start trim right on a keyframe.

it was a pain i did this for some lecture that was in three files but it all work out without re-encoding, only joining and mux.
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