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Old 04-07-2010, 12:22 PM
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Can facebook, myspace or Hulu cause "the blue screen of death" without downloading

Can facebook, myspace or Hulu cause "the blue screen of death" without downloading anything?

My husband's computer just got the blue screen, and since he enjoys blaming me for everything that goes wrong with all the electronics in the house, he asked me what I did to it. I rarely use his computer, but today my keyboard on my laptop was acting up (an old problem, we have a 4 year old who still isn't all that great with open cups) and I did use his. However, the sites I went to, I go to all the time on mine. Hotmail, Yahoo, Hulu, Facebook, and Myspace. I didn't download anything onto his computer... I don't ever add "bookmarks" or anything else like that from facebook. (I don't even check my facebook messages on his computer) So, my question is, can a web site cause the "Blue Screen of Death" without downloading anything from it?
Thank you
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:30 PM
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Re: Can facebook, myspace or Hulu cause "the blue screen of death" without downloadin

Don't install any additional software to fix this. Any "registry cleaners", anti-spyware can only add more problems, viruses,... (at least suggested by someone you don't know).

You can get the blue screen of death because of a virus, hardware problems, or software problems.

You can get a virus by visiting a web-site, reading an e-mail (especially when you open attachments and visit shady web-sites, but not only them). You can even get a virus when you don't update your OS, don't use a firewall.

Switch from Windows to Linux and you will have way much safer Internet
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