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Old 01-21-2010, 08:08 AM
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How can I download video streams from with freeware rtmpdump?

How can I download video streams from CBS with freeware rtmpdump?
I'm not a computer geek, so please use layman terms.
Thank you!
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Old 06-17-2010, 02:20 PM
japzone japzone is offline
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How can I download video streams from with freeware rtmpdump?

I'm trying to download episodes from with rtmpdump but no matter what I try I get an error of one type or another. I Manually sifted through the source code and found a file called "" I downloaded the file and opened with gedit and found a rtmp url in it:
But whenever I try to use it with rtmpdump I get this:
user@ubuntu:~$ '/home/user/Downloads/rtmpdump-2.2e/rtmpdump' -r "rtmp://!/CBS_Production/385/439/CBS_ENTERPRISE_001_CONTENT_CIAN" -o CBS_ENTERPRISE_001_CONTENT_CIAN.flv
bash: !/CBS_Production/385/439/CBS_ENTERPRISE_001_CONTENT_CIAN": event not found
I find that this is probably because Terminal misinterprets part of the url for a Terminal command. However trying to modify it gets me nowhere as well:
user@ubuntu:~$ '/home/user/Downloads/rtmpdump-2.2e/rtmpdump' -r "rtmp://" -o CBS_ENTERPRISE_001_CONTENT_CIAN.flv
RTMPDump v2.2e
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
ERROR: rtmp server requested close
I tried using rtmpsrv to catch the needed stuff but I get this error:
rtmpuser@ubuntu:/home/user$ '/home/user/Downloads/rtmpdump-2.2e/rtmpsrv' 
RTMP Server v2.2e
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL

Streaming on rtmp://
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
Closing connection... done!

WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
ERROR: Handshake failed
Closing connection... done!

^CCaught signal: 2, cleaning up, just a second...
Obviously it didn't do squat for me.
Next I used rtmpsuck but...:
rtmpuser@ubuntu:/home/user$ '/home/user/Downloads/rtmpdump-2.2e/rtmpsuck' 
RTMP Proxy Server v2.2e
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL

Streaming on rtmp://
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app: ondemand?ovpfv=1.1&?auth=dbEbmbFcHa.aTbgaWdwcKaRb9aJaMdibCdd-bmgMEj-bla-d9i-GaxOfUld&aifp=v001&slist=video%2F_!%2FCBS_Production%2F385%2F439%2FCBS_ENTERPRISE_001_CONTENT_CIAN
flashVer: LNX 10,0,45,2
ERROR: RTMP_HashSWF: swfurl[[IMPORT]]/ not found
tcUrl: rtmp://!%2FCBS_Production%2F385%2F439%2FCBS_ENTERPRISE_001_CONTENT_CIAN
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
Closing connection... done!

^CCaught signal: 2, cleaning up, just a second...
I've been at this for a while and haven't made any progress. Any attepts at using the above Info from rtmpsuck failed as well. Any help would be much appreciated.

The URL for the Video is: lay=false

The "" file from the Video's page is attached below as a Text File. To View it properly you should rename it to the ".xml" extension.
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File Type: txt (3.6 KB, 0 views)
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