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Old 05-30-2012, 04:11 AM
JRowe95 JRowe95 is offline
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How can I batch download Crunchyroll XML subtitles?

Hey All, I was wondering if anyone knows how to download a whole lot of xml subtitles from Crunchyroll at once, I have all of the urls pointing to them and I tryied to wget the url but it gives me an error. Any ideas on how I can download a whole lot of them at once using a script or something. Thanks
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Old 11-04-2012, 01:01 AM
mcgiorda mcgiorda is offline
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Re: How can I batch download Crunchyroll XML subtitles?


I have a script that download all subtitles (all languages) from an episode.
You could modify the script to download several links.

The script consist in two languages: PHP & Python

I'm assuming that you have an apache server installed with PHP extension enabled. If you don't know how to install, google it.
TIP: Install XAMPP (good for newbies)

I'm also assuming that you have a python interpreter installed. If you don't, get it here:

1. Create a PHP page called index.php

2. Code for index.php:
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>XML PARSER Crunchyroll</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type:text/html" charset="utf-8">
            <form name="getASS" method="GET" action="parser.php">
                <input type="text" name="url" size="80" placeholder="Place your url here"><br>
                <input type="text" name="proxy" size="80" placeholder="Place your proxy (IF NECESSARY) here. ex:">
                 Only necessary if you are trying to download a limited region anime subtitle<br>
                <input type="submit" value="Get Subtitles">
            <span style="color:red">
                <p>Since this script gets ALL availables subtitles, it may take a while.</p>
                <p>Don't get hurry, it take in max 15 seconds.</p>
            <span style="color:gray">
                <p>Como o script baixa TODAS as legendas disponíveis, ele pode demorar um pouco.</p>
                <p>N?o se apresse, vai demorar no máximo 15 segundos.</p>
3. Create a PHP page called parser.php

4. Code for parser.php: * Here is the file you need to adjust to your needs.
If you can't, ask me, I'll try for you.
header("Content-Type:text/html ; charset=UTF-8");

	die("Sem URL!!");
	$aContext = array(
	    'http' => array(
	        'proxy' => 'tcp://'.$_GET["proxy"],
	        'request_fulluri' => true,
	$cxContext = stream_context_create($aContext);

	$html = file_get_html($_GET["url"],false,$cxContext);
	$html = file_get_html($_GET["url"]);

$languages = $html->find('div[id=showmedia_about_info_details] div span a');

$aux_title = @split("/",$_GET["url"]);
$title = $aux_title[3];
$aux_title_ = @split("-",$aux_title[4]);
$title .= "-".$aux_title_[0]."-".$aux_title_[1];

echo "<h1>Legendas para ".$aux_title[3]." - episódio ".$aux_title_[1]."</h1>";
echo "<h1>Subtitles for ".$aux_title[3]." - episode ".$aux_title_[1]."</h1>";


	if($languages[$i]->plaintext != "English (US)" && $languages[$i]->plaintext != "Espa?ol" && $languages[$i]->plaintext != "Français (France)" && $languages[$i]->plaintext != "Portugu?s (Brasil)"){

	$l_title = $title."-".str_replace(" ", "-", $languages[$i]->plaintext);

<a href="legendas/<?=utf8_encode($l_title).".ass"?>"><?=$l_title?></a><br>


	$id = @split("=",$languages[$i]->href);
	$id = $id[1];
	$command = __DIR__."\crunchy_xml_decoder\ ".$_GET["url"]." \"".$languages[$i]->plaintext."\" ".$l_title." ".$id;
	$temp = exec($command);

if($i == 0){
		echo "Try using a proxy!<br>Tente utilizar um proxy!<br>";
<a href="index.php"><button>Back / Voltar</button></a>
5. Download the ZIP package here (contains all python scripts):

6. Extract at the same root as index.php



7. Create a folder called legendas



8. Open your localhost and enjoy! (ie: http://localhost:80/)
Probably the port will be 80

If you need help just ask, I'll try to explain better!
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Old 12-14-2012, 01:30 AM
MidnightSinx MidnightSinx is offline
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Re: How can I batch download Crunchyroll XML subtitles?

Hi mcgiorda!

First of all, thanks for making this.

But I'm having a little problem. I can't seem to download subs in languages other than English, even if the video has more languages available.

Like this one

Is there something I'm doing wrong?
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