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Old 09-21-2015, 05:11 PM
feldego feldego is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

Originally Posted by ehurdler View Post
I can't seem how to do any of those. I can't tell where to add (manifest=m3u)

From this string
I'm not seeing how to add (manifest=m3u)

Nor how to use youtube-dl, which i use regularly but isn't giving me anything, or the browser.
No, you need to add that manifest stuff in the URL. Don't forget the &
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Old 09-21-2015, 05:14 PM
biezom biezom is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

Originally Posted by ehurdler View Post
I can't seem how to do any of those. I can't tell where to add (manifest=m3u)

From this string
I'm not seeing how to add (manifest=m3u)

Nor how to use youtube-dl, which i use regularly but isn't giving me anything, or the browser.
maybe you can try

livestreamer "httpstream://*~id=90273fdc-37cf-4fa0-8e06-86793d5c550f~hmac=e5fa1f008ceb37338e90eeaceb4a4fc61ac79a8fe6ab7821f6b129ddf35da09c" best -o video.mp4
with in red a recent link because it expire quickly with time
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Old 09-22-2015, 03:31 PM
mrk2005 mrk2005 is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

Hi guys, I'm here again asking for your kind help:
I'm trying to get the closed captions from Tvland.
Link of the episode:
With Bitanalyzer, i found out some links like:

that contain 'some' subtitles.
Besides, it looks like the timing of closed captions is not incremental... seems like they splitted the subtitles in parts of 3-4 mins each.

Would some of you be so nice to try and get the 'full' closed captions file? Thanks a lot again!!
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Old 09-22-2015, 03:56 PM
feldego feldego is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

Originally Posted by mrk2005 View Post
Hi guys, I'm here again asking for your kind help:
I'm trying to get the closed captions from Tvland.
Link of the episode:
With Bitanalyzer, i found out some links like:

that contain 'some' subtitles.
Besides, it looks like the timing of closed captions is not incremental... seems like they splitted the subtitles in parts of 3-4 mins each.

Would some of you be so nice to try and get the 'full' closed captions file? Thanks a lot again!!
They don't have one. What you could do is download the subtitles, convert them to for example .srt files, download the video files and add the video from act 1 to the CC from act 1 and so on in mkvMerge GUI. Then, use mkvextractGUI to get the correct subtitle file.
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Old 09-22-2015, 04:13 PM
mrk2005 mrk2005 is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

Originally Posted by feldego View Post
They don't have one. What you could do is download the subtitles, convert them to for example .srt files, download the video files and add the video from act 1 to the CC from act 1 and so on in mkvMerge GUI. Then, use mkvextractGUI to get the correct subtitle file.
Hmm, it worth a try.
Thanks again feldego!!
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Old 11-09-2015, 08:59 AM
mrk2005 mrk2005 is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

Hi guys, I'm here again asking for your help in fetching closed captions

I have a sort of 'usanetwork', with TV provider login.
I'm talking about TNT:

Any help in gettin closed captions? Thanks again!!!
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Old 06-08-2016, 03:51 AM
kenchenlly kenchenlly is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

You may try use Allavsoft to download and convert video from USA Network in any popular video format, like MP4, FLV, AVI, MOV, MKV, HD, WMV, etc
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Old 07-03-2016, 01:28 PM
spnfan spnfan is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

Hi! I tried using this method to download the closed captions from TNT but it didn't work.
Can you suggest another method?? :/ Thanks!
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Old 07-03-2016, 11:35 PM
mainguyen mainguyen is offline
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Re: Bypass Tv Provider login (USA Network, etc)

SkMobile Ä‘ang c?? dịch vá»? thay m?*n h?¬nh má?·t k?*nh iPad ch?*nh h??ng. Ä???y l?* dịch vá»? Ä‘?°á»?c nhiá»?u kh??ch h?*ng quan t??m tá??i H?* Ná»™i. Ná??u nh?° iPad của kh??ch Ä‘ang bị lá»—i, v?* cá?§n phá??i thay thá?? linh kiện sá»›m th?¬ h??y Ä‘á??n trá»±c tiá??p cá»*a h?*ng. Ch??ng t?´i sá?? kiá»?m tra v?* t?° vá??n c??ch khá??c phá»?c nhanh ch??ng. Ä?á??m bá??o sau khi nhá?*n lá??i iPad, kh??ch sá?? v?´ c??ng h?*i l??ng chá??t l?°á»?ng tá??i Ä‘??y.

Khi n?*o cá?§n thay m?*n h?¬nh iPad, Thay má?·t k?*nh ipad nh?° thá?? n?*o?

M?*n h?¬nh iPad bị vá»?, bị h?° há»?ng do nhiá»?u nguy??n nh??n. Tuy nhi??n c?? má»™t Ä‘iá»?u, d?? l?* g?¬ th?¬ n?? Ä‘á»?u á??nh h?°á»?ng trá»±c tiá??p tá»›i m?*n h?¬nh của m??y. Giá?? dá»? qu?? kh??ch l?* ng?°á»?i th?°á»?ng xuy??n l?*m việc tr??n iPad, nh?°ng sá?? ra sao ná??u nh?° má»™t ng?*y n?? Ä‘?? m?*n h?¬nh bị lá»—i. Chá??c há??n rá??t kh?? chịu phá??i kh?´ng n?*o? Ch?*nh v?¬ vá?*y, kiá»?m tra lá»—i, x??c định nguy??n g??y ra Ä‘á»? gi??p ch??ng ta c?? c??ch khá??c phá»?c tốt nhá??t.

L?*m sao Ä‘á»? x??c định m?*n h?¬nh c?? bị há»?ng hay kh?´ng? C?? rá??t nhiá»?u c??ch, tuy nhi??n an to?*n v?* hiệu quá?? l?* mang há??n m??y qua cá»*a h?*ng SkMobile Ä‘á»? nh??n vi??n trá»±c tiá??p kiá»?m tra cho qu?? kh??ch. Ho?*n to?*n miá»…n ph?*.

Sau khi Ä‘?? chá??c rá?±ng l?* bị h?°, ná??u kh?´ng tiá??n h?*nh thay m?*n h?¬nh má?·t k?*nh iPad th?¬ Ä‘á»? l??u vá»? d?*i rá??t c?? thá»? má»™t l??c n?*o Ä‘??, m??y sá?? kh?´ng c??n d??ng Ä‘?°á»?c ná»?a. iPad má»›i hiện nay c?? gi?? b??n kh?? cao tr??n thị tr?°á»?ng. V?¬ vá?*y, thay v?¬ bá»? số tiá»?n Ä‘á»? mua má»›i m?* h??y thay ngay m?*n h?¬nh iPad tá??i cá»*a h?*ng uy t?*n Ä‘i n?*o.

Bá??ng gi?? dịch vá»? thay m?*n h?¬nh iPad

L?°u ?? : Hiện tá??i tr??n thị tr?°á»?ng c?? kh?? nhiá»?u địa chỉ thay má?·t k?*nh ??p dá»?ng c?´ng nghệ c?© kh?´ng hiện Ä‘á??i, thủ c?´ng c?©ng nh?° linh kiện kh?´ng chuá?©n sá?? khiá??n cho m?*n h?¬nh của bá??n sau khi thay má»™t thá»?i gian dá»… bị ố v?*ng, sá»?c m?*n h?¬nh, há»?ng m?*n. Thá?*m ch?* tay nghá»? thá»? kh?´ng cao c??n c?? thá»? g??y ra há»?ng h??c c??c bá»™ phá?*n kh??c ! Ä?á??n vá»›i ch??ng t?´i qu?? kh??ch c?? thá»? xem trá»±c tiá??p nh??n vi??n thao t??c. An t??m tuyệt đối.

STTM?*n h?¬nh iPadGi?? th?*nhBá??o h?*nh

1Thay m?*n h?¬nh cho iPad mini1.190.0006 th??ng

2Thay m?*n h?¬nh cho iPad mini 21.550.0006 th??ng

3Thay m?*n h?¬nh cho iPad mini 31.590.0006 th??ng

4Thay thá?? m?*n h?¬nh iPad 21.050.0006 th??ng

5Thay thá?? m?*n h?¬nh iPad 3/41.050.0006 th??ng

6Thay thá?? m?*n h?¬nh iPad Air/51.700.0006 th??ng

Bá??ng Gi?? thay má?·t k?*nh iPad tá??i SkMobile

STTDịch vá»?Gi?? th?*nhBá??o h?*nh

1Thay thá?? má?·t k?*nh iPad 2360.0006 th??ng

2Thay thá?? má?·t k?*nh iPad 3350.0006 th??ng

3Thay thá?? má?·t k?*nh iPad 4350.0006 th??ng

4Thay má?·t k?*nh cho iPad mini430.0006 th??ng

5Thay má?·t k?*nh cho iPad mini 2430.0006 th??ng

6Thay má?·t k?*nh cho iPad mini 3650.0006 th??ng

7Thay má?·t k?*nh iPad Air500.0006 th??ng

8Thay má?·t k?*nh cá??m ứng Ipad Air 21.050.0006 Th??ng

9Thay má?·t k?*nh cá??m ứng Ipad ProLi??n hệ6 Th??ng

L?°u ??: C?? nhá»?ng model kh?´ng c?? trong bá??ng, xin qu?? kh??ch h??y gá»?i Ä‘iện trá»±c tiá??p số Ä‘iện thoá??i: 0123 83 66666 Ä‘á»? ch??ng t?´i b??o gi?? cho qu?? kh??ch.


Dịch vá»? thay m?*n h?¬nh iPad của SkMobile Ä‘?°á»?c diá»…n ra theo quy tr?¬nh nghi??m ngá?·t. Ná??u nh?° kh??ch h?*ng Ä‘ang cá?§n má»™t cá»*a h?*ng tốt, c?? chá??t l?°á»?ng th?¬ lá»±a chá»?n ch??ng t?´i sá?? l?* má»™t quyá??t định s??ng suốt. Linh kiện á»? Ä‘??y Ä‘?°á»?c bá??o quá??n cá?©n thá?*n, m?*n h?¬nh hay má?·t k?*nh của iPad Ä‘á»?u Ä‘?°á»?c test má»›i tr?°á»›c khi Ä‘em cho kh??ch. H??n há??t việc chá»?n lá»±a má»™t n??i uy t?*n th?¬ đồng nghÄ©a l?* iPad của qu?? kh??ch c?©ng sá?? Ä‘?°á»?c tÄ?ng th??m tuổi thá»?. V?¬ vá?*y, đừng v?¬ ham rá?», m?* vá»™i v?*ng thay nhá»?ng n??i k?©m chá??t l?°á»?ng. Ä?á»? rồi m??y qu?? kh??ch giao phá??i tay thá»? k?©m, g??y lá»—i cho m??y sau n?*y.

Lá»?i ?*ch kh??ch h?*ng khi sá»* dá»?ng dịch vá»? thay m?*n h?¬nh cho iPad tá??i SkMobile

Vá»›i nhiá»?u nÄ?m kinh nghiệm trong dịch vá»? sá»* chá»?a smartphone, m??y t?*nh bá??ng th?¬ SkMobile c?? đủ tá»± tin Ä‘á»? Ä‘??p ứng, phá»?c vá»? má»?i y??u cá?§u m?* kh??ch v?°á»›ng má??c. Thay m?*n h?¬nh iPad sá?? Ä‘?°á»?c tiá??n h?*nh trong thá»?i gian ngá??n, cho n??n qu?? kh??ch h?*ng c?? thá»? y??n t??m Ä‘á»? lá??y ngay m?* kh?´ng v?°á»›ng má??c bá??t ká»? lá»—i n?*o.

??u Ä‘iá»?m nổi bá?*t:
  • Linh kiện ch?*nh h??ng, nguồn gốc xuá??t xứ r?µ r?*ng
  • Thay thá?? m?*n h?¬nh iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini trá»±c tiá??p lá??y ngay. Thá»?i gian khá??c phá»?c (từ 30 Ä‘á??n 45 ph??t).
  • Gi?? linh kiện v?* chi ph?* thay m?*n h?¬nh iPad rá?» nhá??t.
  • Bá??o h?*nh sá??n phá?©m 12 th??ng
  • Ä?á»™i ng?© ká»? thuá?*t vi??n chuy??n nghiệp, l?*m việc c?? tr??ch nhiệm, y??u nghá»?.
  • Lu?´n c?? ch?*nh s??ch khuyá??n má??i, ?°u Ä‘??i cho kh??ch h?*ng th??n thiá??t.
SkMobile Chuy??n dịch vá»? sá»*a chá»?a thay thá?? linh kiện m??y t?*nh bá??ng

� Hotline: 0938 269 866 – 0123 83 66666

â–? Ä?ịa chỉ: 130 Th??i H?* – Q.Ä?ống Ä?a – H?* Ná»™i

Tá»? KH?“A T??M KIá??M LI?ŠN QUAN:​
  • gi?? thay m?*n h?¬nh iPad
  • thay m?*n h?¬nh iPad bao nhi??u tiá»?n
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