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Old 05-11-2011, 03:18 AM
clueless clueless is offline
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browser cache: movies don't get prefetched and do not stay cached anymore

This is not strictly about stream-downloading. A year ago I was able to watch movies in my browser, then dig up the flvs in my browser cache. All I had to do was to merge and rename the files that just sat in a hidden directory. Apparently since then all browsers got their caching mechanism redesigned.

I use Safari which has introduced a single-file sqlite database, and while I can dig into it I can not find the flvs as I used to be able to. Experimenting with Youtube, I also find that Safari does not preload the whole movie as it used to. Does anybody know what is happening now? It seems to me that movies don't get prefetched and do not stay cached anymore. Is this really what is happening?
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Old 05-11-2011, 03:39 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: browser cache

hi clueless,
i am clueless too
The main browser cache's storing place on a standard Windows computer is the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\Clue Less\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\
It's heavily used by Internet Explorer and many other Windows programs (which need to connect to the internet), especially Microsoft programs. Your system displays the folder in 2 different modes and it's a little tricky to control the modes. By default, you should see a long list of files with their url's...

Other browsers are free to use other hdd locations (folders) to store temporary internet files ("browser cache"), and the default view might be plain (without url's).

It will be difficult to give a general statement or observation on whether the situation with websites and their FLV's has changed since there are too many websites with streaming media. Maybe there's some heavy browser cache user?
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:06 AM
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Re: browser cache: movies don't get prefetched and do not stay cached anymore

There are many other browsers besides Safari. I prefer to use Chrome, Firefox and Opera. All of them are available on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Also note that only HTTP videos can be cached. Other protocols are used for streaming videos as well (RTMP, RTMPE, RTSP, MMS,...).

Besides getting your videos from the cache of your web-browser, you can also download or capture them using streaming video downloading and capture software
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