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Old 10-25-2017, 12:58 PM
silentuv silentuv is offline
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Breaking the security of RTMPTE protocol running with flowplayer

I can't downloading the video hosted on premium educational website containing videos) I am tring to download the videos since 15 days and have contacted many people who had good knowledge about streaming videos but nothing happened...

BUT when i came to this forum and read some posts every persons problem regarding the videos streaming is getting solved instantly...

I need these videos to prepare for my competetive exam next year... I would be very thankful for every one of you who helped...

first we have to login into the with username and password then after login in we are then given a link actual videos are hosted), then in that the videos are played in flowplayer the juicy part is in javascript

The url containing the code below

<div id="video_panel" class="boxCont" align="center" >
              <script type="text/javascript">
		// <![CDATA[
		  window.onload = function () {
			var player = $f("player", "flowplayer/flowplayer.commercial-3.2.18.swf", {
			  plugins: {
				 slowmotion: {
					 url: "swf/flowplayer.slowmotion-3.2.9.swf",
					 serverType: "fms"
				rtmp: {
				  url: "flowplayer/flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.13.swf",
				  netConnectionUrl: "rtmpe://",
				tube: {
					url: "swf/buttons_tube.swf",
					type: "classLibrary"
				log : {
				   level  : 'debug',
				 // add a content plugin to show speed information (this is optional)
				speedIndicator: {
					url: "swf/flowplayer.content-3.2.8.swf",
					bottom: 50,
					right: 15,
					width: 135,
					height: 30,
					border: 'none',
					style: {
						body: {
							fontSize: 12,
							fontFamily: 'Arial',
							textAlign: 'center',
							color: '#ffffff'
				// skinless controlbar using tube buttons
				controls: {
					url: "swf/flowplayer.controls-skinless-3.2.15.swf",
					skin: 'tube'
			  play: {
				url: 'img/play_large_red.png',
				width: 83,
				height: 83
			  clip: {
				provider: "rtmp",
				url: "mp4:?Expires=1508954591&Signature=Tkj6NGzODDRZZKqENvBcaW5FQzkwK93Ae4o0kwnbr9oYYMWalzMu9zwDSb8RV8EOR4RjS18-6XWu50GitiX2f6~NreCaqeYl5znVbIIoQRIUt09qJFEAMro6RJeH3g3~pSDqgOQuY-GAm4ou36~Qa1KeQMn6e6EWknMhSvhaICU_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAI7LSJFZ27IW5FDOQ",
				scaling: "fit",
				autoBuffering: true,
				fadeInSpeed: 20000,
				onLastSecond: function() {
					this.getScreen().animate({opacity: 0}, 3000);
				// if screen is hidden, show it upon startup
				onStart: function() {
					this.getScreen().css({opacity: 0.8});

if any information is left then i can provide that too but i need this video for my preparation....

THERE is a guy here name KSV who is a pro in this field please do help me
if possible please mail the solution
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Old 10-25-2017, 04:35 PM
JonDough JonDough is offline
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Re: Breaking the security of RTMPTE protocol running with flowplayer


Why are you cutting and pasting posts verbatim from 3 years ago?

Are you trying to build up your post count so that you can link to ads?
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Old 10-26-2017, 12:00 AM
salebdsnamcuong salebdsnamcuong is offline
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Re: Breaking the security of RTMPTE protocol running with flowplayer


- Sá»? há»?u vị tr?* " V?*ng " má?·t tiá»?n biá»?n Má»? Kh??, b??i biá»?n quyá??n r?© nhá??t h?*nh tinh-Thiá??t ká?? bá»?i má»™t trong top 5 nhá»?ng kiá??n s?° h?*ng Ä‘á?§u Thá?? giá»›- Quá??n l?? vá?*n h?*nh bá»?i Tá?*p Ä‘o?*n Marriott - th?°??ng hiệu h?*ng Ä‘á?§u Ä‘á??n từ Má»?- Sá??n phá?©m há»™i tá»? Ä‘á?§y đủ c??c ti??u ch?* " Ä?á?§u t?° - An C?° - Nghỉ d?°á»?ng "- Ph??p l?? Ä‘á?§y đủ Ä‘á??m bá??o quyá»?n lá»?i cho kh??ch h?*ng- Ra má??t Ä‘á»?t Ä‘á?§u ti??n, gi?? b??n " Cá»±c há??p dá?«n " d?*nh cho kh??ch h?*ng- C?? nhiá»?u ch?°??ng tr?¬nh ?°u Ä‘??i há??p dá?«n của chủ Ä‘á?§u t?°- Khá?? nÄ?ng Ä‘á?§u t?° sinh lá»?i - Ä‘em lá??i lá»?i nhuá?*n bá»?n vá»?ng từ việc cho thu??


- T??n dá»± ??n: Tổ há»?p trung t??m th?°??ng má??i, kh??ch sá??n v?* chung c?° cao cá??p Marriot
- Vị tr?*: Ä??°á»?ng Bá??ch Ä?á?±ng, quá?*n Há??i Ch??u, TP. Ä??* Ná?µng
- Chủ Ä‘á?§u t?°: Ä?ang Ä‘?°á»?c cá?*p nhá?*t
- Ä???n vị ph??n phối: Ä?ang cá?*p nhá?*t
- Diện t?*ch x??y dựng: 2.476m2
- Tổng diện t?*ch s?*n x??y dựng: 57.888m2
- Số t�ng cao: 35 t�ng nổi
- Số t�ng h�m: 04 t�ng h�m
- Số ph??ng kh??ch sá??n: 288 cÄ?n
- Số cÄ?n há»™: 289 cÄ?n há»™ cao cá??p
- Diện t?*ch cÄ?n há»™: từ 62m2 – 266m2
- Tổng số vốn Ä‘á?§u t?°: 1200 tá»· đồng
- Khá»?i c?´ng: Qu?? II/2016
- Ho?*n th?*nh: nÄ?m 2018


Kh??ch sá??n MARRIOTT Ä??€ Ná?´NG Ä‘?°á»?c x??y dá»±ng theo ti??u chuá?©n 5 sao khi trang bị Ä‘á?§y đủ má»?i tiện ?*ch hiện Ä‘á??i nh?°:

Nh?* hang, sá??nh tiệc, bá»? b??i, trung t??m th?°??ng má??i, spa chÄ?m s??c sá??c Ä‘á??p,… hứa há??n sá?? l?* lá»±a chá»?n hang Ä‘á?§u của giá»›i th?°á»?ng l?°u v?* kh??ch du lịch cao cá??p.

THIá??T Ká?? CÄ‚N Há»? HIỆN Ä?á?*I JW MARRIOTT Ä??€ Ná?´NG

Khu cÄ?n há»™ Ä‘á??ng cá??p Marriott Executive Apartments Ä‘?°á»?c bố tr?* x??y dá»±ng từ tá?§ng 6 - 35.
Vá»›i tổng số 268 cÄ?n há»™ c?? diện t?*ch từ 65m2 – 228m2 ( 2 – 4 ph??ng ngủ ) Ä‘??p ứng má»?i nhu cá?§u vá»? nh?* á»?.
Nghỉ d?°á»?ng của c??c doanh nh??n th?*nh Ä‘á??t, cá?·p gia Ä‘?¬nh trá?» hay gia Ä‘?¬nh c?? nhiá»?u thá?? hệ c??ng chung sống Ä‘ang t?¬m chốn Ä‘á»? tá?*n h?°á»?ng cuá»™c sống Ä‘??ng nghÄ©a.

GI?? B??N CÄ‚N Há»? MARRIOTT Ä??€ Ná?´NG

- Ä?ang Ä‘?°á»?c cá?*p nhá?*t....

( Gi?? b??n chung c?° Marriott Ä??* Ná?µng[/url] tr??n Ä‘?? bao gồm thuá?? VAT + Full ná»™i thá??t ti??u chuá?©n 5 sao )

TIá??N Ä?á»? THANH TO??N CHUNG C?? MARRIOTT Ä??€ Ná?´NG[/url]

Ä?á»?T 1Thanh to??n 25% gi?? trị cÄ?n há»™ ngay sau khi k?? HÄ?MB

Ä?á»?T 2Thanh to??n 15% khi dá»± ??n triá»?n khai x??y dá»±ng Ä‘á??n tá?§ng 8

Ä?á»?T 3Thanh to??n 15% khi dá»± ??n triá»?n khai x??y Ä‘á??n tá?§ng 18

Ä?á»?T 4Thanh to??n 10% khi dá»± ??n triá»?n khai x??y Ä‘á??n tá?§ng 25

Ä?á»?T 5Thanh to??n 10% khi triá»?n khai x??y dá»±ng xong phá?§n th?´

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Old 10-26-2017, 01:53 AM
silentuv silentuv is offline
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Re: Breaking the security of RTMPTE protocol running with flowplayer

No, i am facing same problem. I tried previous solution but it did't work. please, if any one have solution for this, please reply me. and give me link and site for download gateforum video.
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Old 10-28-2017, 11:17 AM
silentuv silentuv is offline
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Re: Breaking the security of RTMPTE protocol running with flowplayer

If anyone has solution of above problem, please give me. It is important.
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