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Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?Hi,
so about uid value of bonga in your they get logged on the bonga site and if you call the same stream with same uid another time then you get rejected.All what you have to do is to change the uid value in playpath to any other which wasnt used yet.Just grab any bonga link via RtmpDumpHelper and now try to play it = rejected so the uid was already used in your browser.Now just change any value of the uid and try again = success but only one time of course.So for each new call you have to change the uid again.So for this you can also build any random MD5 hash for example (from local time or anything else). @ tvgplayer So about a batch script.Here I made a little one.Just enter your desired model name into model= variable below (SuleymaX8) and save it.Create one script for each model you want.You can also change rtmp timeout too if you want but 10 seconds are good instead of 30 seconds (rtmpdump default value).You can also change the timeout from 60 to a higher or lower value but 1 minute for each try should be also enough right.Oh,and dont forget to download the bonga script for streamlink so this you must have into your (Streamlink\pkgs\streamlink\plugins) folder. Code:
@echo off set /a counts=1 :main for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a" set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%" set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%" set "datestamp=%YYYY%%MM%%DD%" & set "timestamp=%HH%%Min%%Sec%" set "fullstamp=(%DD%-%MM%-%YYYY%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec%)" ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: set "model=SuleymaX8" set "filename=%model%_%fullstamp%.mp4" set "timeout=--rtmp-timeout 10" ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: echo=========================================================================== echo %filename% Stream Starts - try %counts% echo=========================================================================== ::echo %filename% echo. call streamlink best -o%filename% %timeout% timeout /t 60 cls set /a counts=counts+1 goto main exit greetz |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?troller12, if so, i don`t understand what function do this hash in stream link. it is by default random so link is downloadable. if i change it to some unique hash - it still be downloadable, so why this is needed?
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?So streamlink does use the bonga script = plugin.You have to read the script to see what it does.
def _get_stream_uid(self, username): m = md5(username.encode('utf-8') + str(time.time()).encode('utf-8')) return m.hexdigest() As I already said you just need to build any unique MD5 hash and use it for your playpath after modelname. The script does use hashlib import md5 to build a MD5 hash.So if you code in any not scripting language then you could use cryptohash.lib for example to build MD5 hashes or also many other hashes etc. greetz |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?@troller12,
Thank you very much for the batch script. I changed it to work for chaturbate. You are the best! |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?@troller12, heh, and here we have - bonga servers don`t care what hash was sent, exception is duplicated in logs server used hashes.
So i was wrong about importance hash in streamlink. Anyway i still don`t understand how to figure out how bonga is works. In first i thougt that when models change status - bongaserver automaticaly change streamlink ip and generate unique key for user (for away\private session example). if i`m right - problem with key=md5 hash was solved, but i still cant understand how to make rtmpdump or etc to find new stream ip when models changed status. P.S Big thanks for for participation. |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?If you want IP only and nothing else, there are number of easy ways to get that.
One example is urlsnooper, this is what you get, and no more: rtmp:// connect ?? app bongacams flashVer WIN 25,0,0,148 swfUrl > tcUrl #rtmp:// fpad capabilities @m? audioCodecs @«î videoCodecs @o€ ? videoFunction ?? pageUrl objectEncoding @ guest854771 81d555121d2f162ae3a2c5f7?f875c01f ff3d73b42e6778bc5ef3545c0f93670a Code:
connect ?? app bongacams flashVer WIN 25,0,0,148 swfUrl > tcUrl #rtmp:// fpad capabilities @m? audioCodecs @«î videoCodecs @o€ ? videoFunction ?? pageUrl objectEncoding @ guest854771 81d555121d2f162ae3a2c5f7?f875c01f ff3d73b42e6778bc5ef3545c0f93670a |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?understand, thanks for advice. i`ll try something
Tryed and have this: >rtmpdump -r "rtmp:// oys?uid=7370c12bb4b14c10f2e2887be1234e33" -o "2017-04-18_10-58-11_stream_1. flv" RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV) (c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL Connecting ... INFO: Connected... Starting download at: 0.000 kB ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header 0.000 kB / 0.00 sec INFO: Connection timed out, trying to resume. Resuming download at: 0.000 kB ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header 0.000 kB / 0.00 sec INFO: Connection timed out, trying to resume. ERROR: Failed to resume the stream |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?There is a foolproof way but a little inconvenient.
Restart every time everything with Rtmpsuck 2.3. ( rtmpdumphelper ). This one will even download the stream for you, but you have to be patient before it starts picking up the stream. You will not get command.txt that shows rtmpsrv parameters, this is something KSV started first. Rtmpsrv 2.3 does not work in windows. I have not looked at linux yet. RTMP Proxy Server v2.3 (c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL Streaming on rtmp:// WARNING: Trying different position for client digest! Processing connect app: bongacams flashVer: WIN 25,0,0,148 swfUrl: tcUrl: rtmp:// pageUrl: ERROR: Request timeout/select failed, ignoring request Closing connection... done! WARNING: Trying different position for client digest! Processing connect app: bongacams flashVer: WIN 25,0,0,148 swfUrl: tcUrl: rtmp:// pageUrl: Playpath: stream_SexyCarolinaa?uid=7aa3dc0c838ea8237b42d16f6 7b391bd Saving as: stream_SexyCarolinaa INFO: Metadata: INFO: Server bongacams INFO: width 640.00 INFO: height 480.00 INFO: displayWidth 640.00 INFO: displayHeight 480.00 INFO: duration 0.00 INFO: framerate 30.00 INFO: fps 30.00 INFO: videodatarate 928.00 INFO: videocodecid 0.00 INFO: audiodatarate 56.00 INFO: audiocodecid 16.00 INFO: profile INFO: level |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?as i see it grabs only free session? still can`t understand why i have this:
INFO: Connected... Starting download at: 0.000 kB ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header. if ip is wright if hash is unique - why it still not downloadable? and why i see header error? |
Re: Bongacams record in Away mode or PRVT?It depends how do you want to grab private stream.
If you pay for your private stream there is high likelihood rtmpsuck will get it if it can get free stream. You will not get all parameters wirh rtmpsuck, so I would not pay them untill at least I can see all parameters. If you want to go one step further and grab private stream for free, I am certain you need to figure out how to get secure token, plus who knows how they may be encrypting -y ( playpath ) and that has to be looked at as well. |
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