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Old 09-28-2010, 03:09 AM
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Bones (DVD)

This is my favorite program from the beginning. I love all the seasons on it. I had not even bothered when Zach left, have never really been a big fan of character. I always thought it was boring, and when he came back I thought that the three characters does not serve the purpose that he had served in the first two seasons. but I think the show got really better off without him. brings the CAM has been a great choice for two and I love sweets. even though I love every season I say that so far the last three seasons, had a dynamite .. (I can not pick just one, lol), but five of them were absolutely amazing. 100. episode turned out to be the best acted, best written section in the series. and remember the past. and if I'm a fan of Booth and Bones of the joint. I'm not obsessed fan, which may interfere or threaten not to watch if they do something, I do not understand. Like all complained about the final four. but the final four was a good result in five. how people complain about other message boards about the final five. I liked it. I loved everything about it. mostly, I loved it because it is so romantic. and know they will get back together, closer than ever. even if they return to the opposite for others. is to combine them. but anyway, I really enjoyed the five. Maybe you see it's all going to fight for him to change. Ultimately, the fifth season, had fought his entire season. I think it would be appropriate to change the events. Booth is back with a new girl, bones, jealous. his struggle for him to see him and take him as he wanted all the time. this is what real romance novels and movies have been made. if it takes a long time or not. and you know if it was swift and predictable, when things happen, the show would not be so exciting.
At the beginning of the fifth season of the hit forensic drama "Bones" many viewers tuned in after the final trepidatiously strange phenomenal fourth season. Fortunately, all fears were allayed and relieved when the fifth season kicked into high gear is the first episode, and said that the pace of the season, "Bones" 'fifth season is probably the biggest yet. One thing is always set to "Bones" as well as countless other procedurals on the waves at this moment is to focus on the characters solve crimes that the crimes themselves, and the strength of this approach is shining brightly in every episode this season.

Bones: The Complete Fifth Season
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