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Old 02-28-2011, 11:54 PM
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BlackBerry Bold 9700 Video Converter- Convert Video to BlackBerry Bold 9700

What can BlackBerry Bold 9700 Give us?

As the upgraded version of the classic business phone – BlackBerry 9000, the performance of BlackBerry Bold 9700 is much better. It can give us a lot of new enjoyment and powerful function. Here we will discuss what BlackBerry Bold 9700 can mainly give us below:
On appearance: BlackBerry Bold 9700 retains the consistent and classic business style of BlackBerry phone. Compared with BlackBerry 9000, you can feel more business taste on BlackBerry Bold 9700 and the main color of this kind of BlackBerry phone is still black. BlackBerry Bold 9700 improved the resolution of the screen, which equipped with the 2.4-inch and 480 × 360 pixels TFT screen and 3.2 million pixel camera that can support AF and video recording

On entertainment: BlackBerry Bold 9700 can support audio formats like MP3, WAV and WMA and video formats like MP4、3GP(H.263)、Real Video and WMV, although BlackBerry Bold 9700 still can not solve the limitation of video and audio formats that portable devices often have, the video and audio formats that BlackBerry bold 9700 can support is much better than other similar portable devices. In addition to that, the effects of the video and audio playing are both excellent. With it, you will surely get a lot fun.
These are the main advantages that we can see on BlackBerry Bold 9700; you will enjoy more when you have one. However, there are still some disadvantages of it, the passage below will show you what the main disadvantages BlackBerry Bold 9700 has.

What are the Main Disadvantages of BlackBerry Bold 9700?
As a portable device, although BlackBerry Bold 9700 can give us a lot of new experience and enjoyment, but there are also some disadvantages of it. Here we will discuss the main disadvantages of it that is the limitation of video and audio format, this problem is a common problem that often occurs on portable devices besides BlackBerry Bold 9700, although it is much better compared with other portable devices. At this very moment, if you want to see some fun videos or movies on it but it can not support the format of the videos or movies, you need to find related tool that can help convert video to BlackBerry Bold 9700 so that you can enjoy them on it.

How to Find a Good Related Tool to Convert Video to BlackBerry Bold 9700
Since we have known we need to find a related tool to solve the limitation of video and audio format that BlackBerry Bold 9700 has, there is an attendant question that is how to choose a good related tool. Let's say it briefly; we need to find a good video to BlackBerry Bold 9700 converter, here are some important factors that we should pay attention to when choosing a video to BlackBerry Bold 9700 converter below:
1. Whether it provides fast converting speed and high quality.
2. Whether the converter is easy to use.
3. Whether it has rich parameter settings like setting the resolution, bitrates, and frame rate and so on.
4. Whether it is safe or not.
These are the main factors that we should consider, we should choose a video to BlackBerry Bold 9700 converter that is just meet your needs.

To convert video to a modern mobile phone like BlackBerry Bold 9700, you can use any audio/video converter, despite what the spammers say when promoting low quality software.
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