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View Poll Results: What is the best streaming music recorder
Replay Music 29 30.53%
Replay A/V 7 7.37%
Replay Media Catcher 11 11.58%
StreamRipper 14 14.74%
RadioTracker 14 14.74%
Other 20 21.05%
Voters: 95. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-20-2007, 07:36 PM
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The best streaming music recorder is Audacity

Without a doubt, Audacity
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Old 02-20-2007, 11:15 PM
Stream Recorder
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re: The best streaming music recorder is Audacity. Song splitting and tagging???

Originally Posted by audio5 View Post
Without a doubt, Audacity
Like any other direct sound recording software Audacity can record any sound produced by your sound card. But it can't split songs and tag them automatically. So I can't call it the best streaming music recorder.
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Old 02-21-2007, 02:36 PM
bobklahn bobklahn is offline
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Re: Streambox VCR is better? What about legality, bugs and support?

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Streambox VCR (SVCR) is a nice progam. But it works with Real Audio, Real Video, Real Media streams only (stream support of other streams is very limited).
Main problems of Streambox VCR:
1. There is no support for the newest Real servers.
2. QuickTime and Windows Media support is very limited.
3. SVCR crashes if you try to record more than 5 streams simultaneously.
4. SVCR can't record password protected streams.

Besides StreamBox VCR 1.0 Suite 2 is not distributed officially by Streambox so actually it is free only because people use the c.r.a.c.k.ed version distributed illegally.

Also Replay Radio is a direct sound recorder so it can record any sound produced by your sound card. It can record audio streams only.

IMHO it is better to use media stream recorders that actually download stream where possible. Some of them like WM Recorder and Replay A/V can record Windows Media audio and video, Real Video/Real Audio and sometimes even more. And unlike SVCR they offer support which is IMHO very important for these programs.

p.s. It would be more correct to compare SVCR with WM Recorder, Replay A/V than with Replay Radio.
While I recognize the reality of all your points, they are countered by the ease with which I can record archived audio, and can just set up a windows schedualed event to record streamed media. I record windows media and MP3 using SVCR all the time. OTOH, I do not worry about tagging seperate songs, I am normally listening to the whole show.

I am also now using Magix Radio Recorder 2. Works well, IMO. Though I have Audacity I had not tried it for recording streaming audio, just editing. Didn't even think of that. Audacity is available in a no install version from That's one thing I really like.

Oh, and I have no problem with large numbers of files downloading at once, or qued up at once, but they are archived files, not streamed. I never record more than one or two streams at a time, so I have no idea of the performance for that.
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Old 02-21-2007, 10:18 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Streambox VCR is better? What about legality, bugs and support?

Originally Posted by bobklahn
I record windows media and MP3 using SVCR all the time. OTOH, I do not worry about tagging seperate songs, I am normally listening to the whole show.
'coz this topic is about music recorders IMHO it is very important. If you record radio shows there is usually no need to buy any software 'coz you may use freeware direct sound recording software like Audacity.

SVCR was one the first stream recorders I have tried. It was very amazing. And it was free (actually it was not available from the official web-site due to the conflict with Real Networks so it was distributed illegally). The problem is that I don't really like to download software from unknown sources.... and I don't want to use pirate software and moreover suggest it. Besides it is no longer developed. Although it is still better than many new programs.

Originally Posted by bobklahn
I am also now using Magix Radio Recorder 2. Works well, IMO. Though I have Audacity I had not tried it for recording streaming audio, just editing. Didn't even think of that. Audacity is available in a no install version from That's one thing I really like.
Magix Radio Recorder is not the best Shoutcast MP3 ripper. IMHO even freeware streamripper is better.
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Old 12-21-2007, 02:01 AM
Tenzing Jampa
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Webcasters with licensing for internet webcasting can't reproduce ...

Hey information, you given here. i wanna give little bit information about Sound Recording Performance.

While it is common to hear complete albums or artist specials in traditional radio, webcasters will not be able to do the same thing with copyrighted material. Webcasters with licensing for internet webcasting can't reproduce three consecutive songs from one artist or a boxed set, two consecutive songs from the same album, and, in a period of three hours, four or more non-consecutive songs from an artist, album or boxed set.

Hope this information will useful for all.
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Old 12-22-2007, 02:09 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Webcasters with licensing for internet webcasting can't reproduce ...

Originally Posted by Tenzing Jampa View Post
While it is common to hear complete albums or artist specials in traditional radio, webcasters will not be able to do the same thing with copyrighted material. Webcasters with licensing for internet webcasting can't reproduce three consecutive songs from one artist or a boxed set, two consecutive songs from the same album, and, in a period of three hours, four or more non-consecutive songs from an artist, album or boxed set.
RadioTracker allows you to capture ShoutCast songs from of over 16,000 watched internet radio stations worldwide. So you can rip songs from multiple web radio stations as soon as the ones you need are played on any of the watched radio stations.

I would say that using RadioTracker is not different from using p2p networks for downloading music. But web radio stations have rather low quality so you users will buy songs if they really like them.
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Old 01-11-2008, 05:57 AM
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Re: The best streaming music recorder

I think the best music and video recorder is the StreamHijacker. I have been using more then a year ago and it's really cool. Simply, fast, and free. Free because of it's Open Source. Anybody can download it from .

This software supporting the ShoutCast and IceCast protocols. It can ripping to separated files, make PLS or M3U playlist, TXT or HTML songlist and it have an inbuild ShoutCast radio station browser. Supporting the schedulded recording too!
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Old 01-28-2008, 01:20 AM
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Re: The best streaming music recorder

I' ve tried some of these programs, but i finally decided to stick with RadioTracker. Besides the fact that it searches 15,000 Internet radio stations for music, it also currently tracks, among these internet radio stations, around approx 5,000 Internet radio stations that broadcast at 128 kbit/s quality and higher.

But I must say the the best feature is the MusicFinder's wish list function.You just fill in the desired artists or songs and as soon as they are played on one of the Internet radio stations, Radiotracker starts downloading and in just a few seconds you will be able to listen to your favorite music.

[moderator's editing notice]
RadioTracker can rip MP3 music from Shoutcast radio stations only. It is not intended to be a replacement of music download and subscription services

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 01-28-2008 at 03:21 AM.
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Old 03-31-2008, 12:27 AM
ferido ferido is offline
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Re: The best streaming music recorder

They left out a great one..which is what i use for recording..FlexiMusic Audio Editor
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Old 07-14-2008, 03:53 PM
douglasyo douglasyo is offline
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Re: The best streaming music recorder

I love Total Recorder. They just came out with their latest release which allows direct stream ripping. Further, they have an internal mini-browser than I use when I can't determine the URL.
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