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Old 07-24-2011, 09:54 AM
cestlouis cestlouis is offline
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Default - better way to download ?

hello to all

hxxp:// is a french music site with free legal downloads in good quality.
the files are in mp3 (@ 192 and better) and wma (@192 with DRM) and tagged.
with their app 'mobile Beezik' you can import the wma files into iPhone or iPod Touch.

to ge the files:
a) you have to register (via a french IP)
b) clicking on a song, you get a new window. here you can listen to a sample.
for downloading you must click and watch one of the video clips.
at the bottom of the clip is a yellow progress bar that when finished begins agin in black.
finished the black bar you get a message, saying you have 5 seconds to click on it for storing your song.
you click on this text and select your download folder.

1st Question: is there a way to skip the video and get the download url immediately?

2nd Question: for the wma files you get a licence from beezik. the beezik help (Aide) says:

Pourquoi devez-vous renouveler une licence ? Comment faire ?
La licence s’applique aux titres WMA qui poss?dent une protection numérique. Elle doit ?tre renouvelée pour que vous puissiez lire vos titres sur votre ordinateur. Pour cela, il suffit de saisir vos identifiants Beezik lorsque Windows Media Player vous le demande, puis de cliquer sur le bouton « Renouveler », ou alors de télécharger au moins un titre WMA par mois.

Why must you renew a license? How?
The license applies to securities that have a WMA DRM. It must be renewed so that you can play your tracks on your computer. To do this, simply enter your Beezik credentials when Windows Media Player prompted, then click on "Renew", or download at least once a month a WMA song.
such wma files, for me the licence tab of the file properities is gray.
trying to play it in WMP 11 (vers. 11.0.6002.18111) on Vista SP2 i get a DRM error message (error C00D11E2).

how do i get the licence on my computer ? (i never bought a song to know how it's done).
and/or how can i repair WMP 11 to get the files playing ?

thanks in advance for your answers
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:09 AM
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Re: - better way to download ?

Originally Posted by cestlouis View Post
such wma files, for me the licence tab of the file properities is gray.
trying to play it in WMP 11 (vers. 11.0.6002.18111) on Vista SP2 i get a DRM error message (error C00D11E2).
You may need to re-individualize your computer.
Note that all your DRM license will be lost!
  • Turn off "Hidden Folders" AND uncheck "Hide protected system files"
  • Go to Documents and settings/All users and find the DRM folder and delete it (this will also delete all your licenses, so make sure you can renew them).
  • Go to and upgrade the security components of your digital media player so you can play protected files on your computer.
  • Hit the Upgrade button
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Old 09-14-2011, 03:15 AM
bercutx bercutx is offline
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Re: - better way to download ?

TubeDigger works great for me. Where did you get this DRM?

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