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Old 09-24-2017, 06:35 AM
JohnQuays JohnQuays is offline
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BBC Archive help please

I'm a long time user of get_iplayer and youtube-dl. I've been using both of them since their early days.

At one time it was possible with get_iplayer to get the content at the BBC Archive collections.

I know that things changed recently with get_iplayer and now the advice with video on BBC webpages, that is - not on iPlayer and without a PID, is to use youtube-dl.

That works for the most part. But it doesn't work for BBC Archive collection content such as -

I've been trying a few things such as Livestreamer, Streamlink, URLSnooper. I'm not having any luck. For all 3 of these programs it's the first time I've used them so maybe I'm missing something.

From what I understand I should be looking for a playlist or a .xml file. The nearest I can find with URLSnooper is this -
But I don't know what to do with that. I'm thinking maybe I have to get the "" but have no idea how, if in fact that is the answer to getting the video.
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Old 09-24-2017, 09:35 AM
Yelloworanges Yelloworanges is offline
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Re: BBC Archive help please

Originally Posted by JohnQuays View Post
... it doesn't work for BBC Archive collection content such as -

From what I understand I should be looking for a playlist or a .xml file. The nearest I can find with URLSnooper is this -
Load the mediaselector xml from a UK IP.
Take the information from the xml and use rtmpdump.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ondemand?auth=daEbUcFdYb.dgcUcYdNcgbMd_bDb_cna2dj-bzX7Zw-bWG-HpmGAoyqLDtGnzL&aifp=v001&slist=archive/white/OAT_BBC_7620" -y "archive/white/OAT_BBC_7620" -o output.flv
The subtitle xml url is found in the other xml that you referenced.
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Old 09-26-2017, 05:37 AM
JohnQuays JohnQuays is offline
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Re: BBC Archive help please

Thanks for replying Yelloworanges.
I am in the UK re the IP.

Trying this on a Windows machine as that happens to be turned on at the moment. I'll give it a go on a Linux box later.

"Load the mediaselector xml from a UK IP."
Where did you get that URL from?

"Take the information from the xml and use rtmpdump."
I have rtmpdump.exe in a FOLDER. I tried your command and I got the following. Was the command supposed to be for the moonlandings video?

C:\FOLDER>rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ondemand?auth=daEbUcFdYb.dgcUcYdNcgbMd_bDb_cna2dj-bzX7Zw-bWG-HpmGAoyqLDtGnzL&aifp=v001&slist=archive/white/OAT_BBC_7620" -y "archive/white/OAT_BBC_7620" -o output.flv
RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
WARNING: HandShake: client signature does not match!
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
ERROR: rtmp server requested close
I also tried it with rtmpdump 2.4 and got the same.
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Old 09-26-2017, 03:26 PM
Yelloworanges Yelloworanges is offline
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Re: BBC Archive help please

Take the information from the mediaselector xml and use with rtmpdump.

You'll get a current auth= value that will be different than the example command line provided.
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Old 09-26-2017, 05:08 PM
JohnQuays JohnQuays is offline
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Re: BBC Archive help please

Thanks again for replying Yelloworanges.

So from your reply I take it the rtmpdump command you gave is not for the moonlandings video. What is it for actually? I'm no programmer but started with computers when the command line / terminal was all there was so I can usually understand them. It's newer things like this BBC "mediaselector" I have trouble with. What media? aac/mp3/flac or is it tv/radio or is it USB/SD card. Who is selecting it and why? Back in the day of Phil Lewis' get_iplayer I understood a bit about how it worked but not these days.

It doesn't look like an example type command where the user would need to replace parts with whatever was specific to their setup?

I can see that this is something I'll need a day, or a weekend, hopefully not a week, to get my head around.
It would be handy, if it's not too much trouble and possible, if you could post the correct command. It's not a case of, oh look - why not just give me the correct command why don't you, I want to move on. It's because I could look at the correct command then break it all down so I can understand how to construct the syntax for other BBC Archive content. That's why I said I'd need a day or two to get my head around it.

I don't know but maybe you just can't give the correct command as it's something that would be different whenever the content is called up, if you know what I mean?

This will be something I'll have to try one weekend with more time on my hands. Again, thanks for your posts Yelloworanges.
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Old 09-26-2017, 06:58 PM
AllenRuh AllenRuh is offline
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Re: BBC Archive help please

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Old 09-26-2017, 08:31 PM
Yelloworanges Yelloworanges is offline
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Re: BBC Archive help please

Originally Posted by JohnQuays View Post
... I take it the rtmpdump command you gave is not for the moonlandings video.
It is for the moonlandings video. The video starts out with some old fat british guy wearing mr. peanut type eye-ware.

The rtmpdump command provided is the for the moonlandings video, but the auth value has by now expired.

You just load the given mediaselector page url (exactly as in my post) in your browser, and you'll get a new auth value.

Then just replace the auth value found in the two locations in the given rtmpdump command line with the new value obtained by loading the mediaselector page.
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