08-27-2011, 05:14 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 10
 .azw4 ebooks - Kindle Print Replica Content
Originally Posted by digamma
it occurred for me on this book: http://amzn.com/Advanced-Engineering...reamingme01-20 To be clear, this issue appears with the purchased edition of the book, as opposed to the rented version. I suspect that this new format may be linked to the fact that the book can only be read using the Kindle for PC program-- it won't transfer to an actual Kindle device (I wish that Amazon had highlighted that before I payed for it).
I note that there's an interesting addition to the description of the book:
Print Replica: This Kindle book looks just like the printed book
Read it exclusively on Kindle for PC or Kindle for Mac
Finding Kindle Print Replica Books
Print Replica books have the words Print Replica next to the book title.
It is a new format. See
Kindle Print Replica content looks like the corresponding print book and can be read on the latest Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac reading applications. Each page in a Print Replica book has the same words and images in the same positions as the corresponding print edition, while adding Kindle features such as annotations, highlights, and the ability to syncing your last page read across multiple Kindle applications.
Kindle Print Replica books have most of the same features as PDF formatted books, including advanced zoom and pan functions. They also have unique Kindle features including annotations, highlights, and the ability to syncing your last page read across multiple Kindle applications.
Frequently Asked Questions- Why are certain books available in print replica, and others aren't?
Print Replica books maintain the rich formatting of the related print editions. Amazon offers Kindle books in Print Replica format when this format will enable a better reading experience than current technology allows in standard Kindle format.
- Why can't I change the font size of my Kindle Print Replica book?
Changing the font size in a Kindle Print Replica book would break consistency with the visual layout of the print version. Rather than changing the font size, you can zoom in and out and read at the font size you prefer.
- What is the difference between Kindle Print Replica format and PDF format?
Kindle Print Replica books have most of the same features as PDF format books, including zoom and pan functions. They also have unique Kindle book features, including annotations, highlights, and the ability to syncing your last page read across multiple Kindle applications.
- Why do Kindle Print Replica books take longer to download?
Some Kindle Print Replica books may take longer to download than other Kindle books due to their rich visual content and formatting.
- Is Text-to-Speech supported for Kindle Print Replica books?
Text-to-Speech is not supported in Kindle Print Replica books at this time.
- Why can't I purchase & read print replica books on my Kindle device (i.e., platforms besides PC/Mac)?
At this time, Kindle Print Replica books are only available on the current releases of Kindle for PC or Kindle for Mac.
Amazon do offer refunds on Kindle books, so I'd suggest that anyone who's unhappy with DRMed books should return them for a refund.