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Old 11-23-2014, 09:21 PM
ohhdemgirls ohhdemgirls is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

No idea then, those are the only two issues that have cropped up. The only other thing I can suggest is that you actually set a full directory for capturing too, like /home/user/CaptureBate/Captured in config.conf sometimes environment variables can throw that off, though if you can cap in Ubuntu just stick to what works, I just don't support everything. People have even asked me how to get it running in windows nope!! haha.
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Old 11-28-2014, 05:21 PM
zimpko zimpko is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

I have some questions hopefully you can answer when you have the time. Maybe this can also help others as a Q&A should they have similar questions.
  1. Is flash broken on the latest Fedora? I created a Fedora VM with the latest release, and it will not play FLV files. I tried installing about every dependcy, and flash package, and it just won’t play flash. It will, however play flash in a browser, just not a saved stream flv file with either VLC or Totem. Flash plays fine in Ubuntu or Mint FYI.
  2. I created and installed Capturebate on a VirtualBox and VMWare VM. It works in the VM’s however it will not record streams unless you create a folder outside of the CaburBate directory and configure it to record to that directory. Is this possibly a bug related to VM’s?
  3. I’m not sure if I’m running the FFMPEG script right, though after running the posted batch mode command, it creates a bunch of small MP4 files in a separate folder, and when clicked they report an error reading “no playable streams”.
  4. Is it normal to have streams split into separate recordings? I find a lot of streams break during recording, then start a new recording, even though it doesn't appear the models have gone off air or into private. Is there a way to prevent streams from breaking so they can record in one single file?
  5. Would it make any difference in performance by using this version of RTMPDUMP?
  6. What command do you use so GNU screen will start and the output log in one window?
  7. Feature request. Would it be possible to add a stream limit and priority system. Capturbate can easily burn through someone’s allotted bandwidth if they’re capped by their ISP or degrade a person’s QoS, so it would be great to have it limit how many streams it can record at one time.

    For example, have it so you can set a limited number of streams from your wishlist, then be capable of prioritizing it by adding asterisks next to a models name. The more asterisks next to a name, the higher the priority.

Thanks for the development of a handy app.
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Old 11-29-2014, 03:54 AM
ohhdemgirls ohhdemgirls is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

Originally Posted by zimpko View Post
I have some questions hopefully you can answer when you have the time. Maybe this can also help others as a Q&A should they have similar questions.
  1. Is flash broken on the latest Fedora? I created a Fedora VM with the latest release, and it will not play FLV files. I tried installing about every dependcy, and flash package, and it just won’t play flash. It will, however play flash in a browser, just not a saved stream flv file with either VLC or Totem. Flash plays fine in Ubuntu or Mint FYI.
  2. I created and installed Capturebate on a VirtualBox and VMWare VM. It works in the VM’s however it will not record streams unless you create a folder outside of the CaburBate directory and configure it to record to that directory. Is this possibly a bug related to VM’s?
  3. I’m not sure if I’m running the FFMPEG script right, though after running the posted batch mode command, it creates a bunch of small MP4 files in a separate folder, and when clicked they report an error reading “no playable streams”.
  4. Is it normal to have streams split into separate recordings? I find a lot of streams break during recording, then start a new recording, even though it doesn't appear the models have gone off air or into private. Is there a way to prevent streams from breaking so they can record in one single file?
  5. Would it make any difference in performance by using this version of RTMPDUMP?
  6. What command do you use so GNU screen will start and the output log in one window?
  7. Feature request. Would it be possible to add a stream limit and priority system. Capturbate can easily burn through someone’s allotted bandwidth if they’re capped by their ISP or degrade a person’s QoS, so it would be great to have it limit how many streams it can record at one time.

    For example, have it so you can set a limited number of streams from your wishlist, then be capable of prioritizing it by adding asterisks next to a models name. The more asterisks next to a name, the higher the priority.
  1. Thanks for the development of a handy app.
  1. No idea, I've never used Fedora.
  2. Kind of a known bug, environment variables throw it off, it is recommenced you set your Capture directory manually and give a full path.
  3. Nothing wrong with the command, put it in a bash file and make sure you don't have any extra characters etc. also ffmpeg should be compiled with support for libmp3lame & libspeex
  4. Yes, kinda. This is due to the models dropping offline or going in private, even for a second this will split the stream, you can't overcome this with the rtmpdump method but you can fix it in post by merging your converted mp4s
  5. That is the version recommended in my original post and on the repo.
  6. Run in screen, disconnect and then tail the output.log .. that is simple enough.
  7. I won't be adding any limitations to CaptureBate, I run it on servers with 10GBit+ links and capture all models .. it's waste of time for me to add limitations, if you don't have the bandwidth at home you can get a vps/dedi crazy cheap these days which is highly recommended.
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Old 11-30-2014, 03:30 AM
zugg zugg is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

I wanted to do something like this at the end of the year, so this is perfect.

I'm going to help contribute back - my python is a little rusty but if you have anything you need done create an issue and I'll look into it.

I'm currently looking into making this easier to install, even though it's pretty straightforward already.

Awesome job.
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Old 11-30-2014, 02:20 PM
str3amer str3amer is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux


thank you very much for this script, this makes things so much easier!

The problem is: Im a linux noob. I have no idea how to do this, and every tutorial just confuses me even more.

I installed debian 7.7.0 (amd64) on Oracle VM VirtualBox, downloaded all the required programms and changed the password in

Now I'm completely lost. How exactly do I start I tried it via the Terminal and the Roottermial without any luck. When double clicking and click "run in Terminal" I get:

"/home/username/Downloads/CaptureBate-master/ 3: /home/username/Downloads/CaptureBate-master/
Main file that includes all functions in appropriate order: not found
from: can't read /var/mail/config
from: can't read/var/mail/time"

Please, any help for a Linux-Noob?

Thanks in advance!
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Old 12-07-2014, 09:38 PM
flipper2011 flipper2011 is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

There is a problem that started occurring today, this happened twice.. Is there a way to trap this so the script retires? Not really a Linux guru.. it defeats the "set it and forget it" because when it crashes/errors out it STOPS. The following is the error that occurs and the output file info

Error itself

oot@debian:~/Apps/Captureb# python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 34, in <module>
    client = connection.Connection()
  File "/root/Apps/Captureb/", line 40, in Connection
    page_source = 'Page Source for ' + URL + '\n' + r.text
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'r' referenced before assignment
OUTPUT.LOG follows
07/12/2014 11:22:16 PM INFO:[Sleep] Waiting for next check (80 seconds)
07/12/2014 11:23:36 PM INFO:Connecting to
07/12/2014 11:23:36 PM INFO:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
07/12/2014 11:24:03 PM ERROR:Some error during posting to
07/12/2014 11:24:03 PM ERROR:('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))
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Old 12-08-2014, 03:18 AM
zugg zugg is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

Originally Posted by flipper2011 View Post
There is a problem that started occurring today, this happened twice.. Is there a way to trap this so the script retires? Not really a Linux guru.. it defeats the "set it and forget it" because when it crashes/errors out it STOPS. The following is the error that occurs and the output file info

Error itself

oot@debian:~/Apps/Captureb# python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 34, in <module>
    client = connection.Connection()
  File "/root/Apps/Captureb/", line 40, in Connection
    page_source = 'Page Source for ' + URL + '\n' + r.text
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'r' referenced before assignment
OUTPUT.LOG follows
07/12/2014 11:22:16 PM INFO:[Sleep] Waiting for next check (80 seconds)
07/12/2014 11:23:36 PM INFO:Connecting to
07/12/2014 11:23:36 PM INFO:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
07/12/2014 11:24:03 PM ERROR:Some error during posting to
07/12/2014 11:24:03 PM ERROR:('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))
I have this as well every few days.

I just use supervisord now.
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Old 12-08-2014, 09:26 AM
betoso01 betoso01 is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

Hi. Is it possible to adapt your program to automated record naked . c0m? I want to write my own program in java to automated record chatur@bt3 and your code show me how to do it. I just want to know if its possible, using the same approach, do the same with naked?
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Old 12-08-2014, 05:48 PM
flipper2011 flipper2011 is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

Originally Posted by zugg View Post
I have this as well every few days.

I just use supervisord now.
Would you be so kind and explain EXACTLY how to use this, i'm new to Linux and read a little about it, but not sure how to implement this for this specific application. Can you give me a short tutorial how to do it.

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Old 12-08-2014, 11:40 PM
zugg zugg is offline
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Re: Automated Chaturbate Recording Under Linux

Originally Posted by flipper2011 View Post
Would you be so kind and explain EXACTLY how to use this, i'm new to Linux and read a little about it, but not sure how to implement this for this specific application. Can you give me a short tutorial how to do it.

Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install supervisor
sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/capturbate.conf

command=python /home/deploy/CaptureBate/
Change the directory and command directory to where your directory is.

Then run:
sudo supervisorctl reread
Should tell you that all is fine.

Then run:

sudo supervisorctl update
And it should be started, to check run:

sudo supervisorctl
And it should output something like:
capturebate                      RUNNING    pid 24295, uptime 0:01:46
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