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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 07-07-2006, 06:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Automate unDRM problem: can't find IndivBox.key file


I used Virtual PC and i did a clean installation of WinXP. I turned off automatic updates, then i installed Media Player and i tried to play a WMV file with DRM protection in order for the player to do the security upgrade. After that i did the upgrade from Microsoft's site ( but after all these steps Automate unDRM doesn't work! The player still wants to connect to the internet and download the license. The strange thing is that after this procedure i can't find anywhere the IndivBox.key file! There is no DRM folder into C:\Documents and Settings\All Users . I even do a search for the file including hidden files and subfolders but with no luck. The only thing that i have found is a License Backup folder in My Music with the files drmv2lic.bak , drmv1lic.bak and drmv1key.bak . Could you please help? I really need to unDRM some files. Thanks
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Old 07-07-2006, 09:52 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Automate unDRM problem: can't find IndivBox.key file

Please re-read about Individualization Process either at
or at

Key features you might have missed:
1. IndivBox.key will be downloaded from microsoft server at the first time you try to play DRM protected media.

2. Delete the following folder if exists (I believe that your search was correct and you don't really need this step)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM

3. VALID license files on your harddrive are required to be able to use Automate unDRM
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Old 07-10-2006, 07:35 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Automate unDRM problem: can't find IndivBox.key file

I have already tried to play a drm protected file (specifically a trailer of a movie) that i downloaded. Media Player downloaded the security upgrade and after that, a window showed up telling me that licensing has been disabled for this file. So , i didn't watch it. I believe that you mean that i have to watch a drm protected file in order to get the indivbox.key file. Could you please tell where can i find such a file without the need to pay?

Thanks in advance
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Old 07-10-2006, 09:54 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

How to get a license

Many services use the same SID and KID (you can get them with drmdbg, drm2wmv included into Automate unDRM) for the same media file. In case of such a service you may get a license (actually SID and KID values) from another user.
You may try p2p networks (BitTorrent, eDonkey2000,...), forums or whatever other means.
Please don't ask about it on this forum, 'coz your post will be deleted than.
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Old 10-19-2006, 01:28 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Automate unDRM problem: can't find IndivBox.key file

I can't Individualize my IndivBox.key because when WMP loads the file from here, it returns a file not found error. Please help!
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