I want to download from the following site:
* I know the procedure, But the problem is that the process of stream record takes several .
And the export file quality is poor. I've got two days to this problem. Within two minutes previously episode 40-minute stream recorded, but now the process takes about 15 minutes and the export file is very poor quality.
You can find sample code from the following page:
Sample code I used:
ffmpeg -i "http://gemus-vh.akamaihd.net/i/ondemand/HLS/11224750/15311/1_,1280,720,640,480,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?hdnea=st=1471731789~exp=1471735389~acl =/*~hmac=d77f5ec39fff48ac1d651e20f86a68890d9edac8be6 aaf4d0d76a94483c4afe8&akamgem=gem1.m3u8'-c copy " maah-peikar8-1080.ts"