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Old 05-18-2011, 07:14 AM
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APO/FPO addresses: domestic or international shipping rates?

If I am shipping my package to an APO/FPO, do I have to pay international or domestic shipping rates?

I am shipping a product that I sold on eBay, but the person that bought it is at Camp Liberty, Iraq. Does that mean I have to pay full international rates for shipping through USPS (United States Postal Service), or do I pay Domestic Flat rate which is like $10.50 compared to international flat rate which is $45.50.

So basically which one, international to Iraq or Domestic flat rate?
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Old 05-21-2011, 12:09 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: What online stores ship to APO (army) and FPO (fleet) military addresses

APOs / FPOs are classed as domestic mail/shipping, so it is domestic rates. Note that you still have fill out the US Customs form for the package.
  • For an AE (Area Europe) address, the rates are to New York, where it goes to a large warehouse and is further subdivided based on the specific zip. The military then assumes the responsibility for moving it along to all the regions covered by the AE code - Europe, Central Asia, Africa, Middle East, etc.
  • The AP (Area Pacific) address is to San Francisco, where the above process happens for the Pacific and East Asia areas.
  • The AA (Area Americas) address is to Miami, where the above process is repeated for South America, Central America, some small parts of North America and parts of the Antarctic region.

If using an APO or FPO address,
  • APO = City
  • AE = State
  • do NOT put the country where the troop is actually at in the address.

Watch out for the Restrictions of what you can ship...
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Old 06-21-2011, 04:18 AM
Gairikhet Gairikhet is offline
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Re: APO/FPO addresses: domestic or international shipping rates?

This is the same problem for me as I have to send important products to Nepal and I would like to get more information on flat rate shipping costs and also APO/FPO rates. It is very confusing for me to get the right service at the right time. Also my concern is about the overall cost which I find to high to send the product in the destination which I desired. I am having a problem in choosing the right cargo service to send the products to my family but I always have to go for expensive cargo services due to lack of information. If you know any of the cargo service which can be helpful for me than please reply I would appreciate it.
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