I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to remove the drm from some Rhapsody 4.0 wma files (Rhapsody was forced upon me once Yahoo Music shut its doors). The reason is that my IBX version is 11.6000.6324, which from what I have read, has not been cracked yet.
I found some relevant information here:
stream-recorder.com: Problems removing DRM from DRMed .WMA files from Rhapsody Music
But I was wondering if any progress has been made since then. Has anyone else has figured out a way around this, or perhaps had an older copy of rhapsody which didn't force an upgrade.
I thought of trying the Virtual Machine method, but that wouldn't work either since Rhapsody forces the upgrade of Windows Media Player.
Lastly, if there isn't a way, do you guys know if Napster can be un-drm'd? Or any other big music service? Thanks.