Amazon Prime
Here is a link to a dash mpd file.$AOAGZA014O5RE,A2F3D0CC/videoquality$1080p/prod/f00b/35cd/b7a0/4d8f-934c-6389a73e4439/63ac8470-b74f-4d81-b4b7-0ca27b45f1df_corrected.mpd
It take a few seconds before it load the hole xml file (mpd file)
Does this mpd file contain anything that can help decrypting the stream?
Can find the KID key and cenc pssh key, but do not know if i can use that to decrypt the stream.
Nevermind, i can use Audials Moviebox Generation 2016 to rip movies / series :-)
Last edited by Techmandk : 06-28-2016 at 08:09 AM.