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Old 06-22-2009, 03:09 AM
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Akamai CDN: Getting RTMP URL From XML File

Akamai CDN: Getting RTMP URL From XML File

Where I work, my company uses Akamai as the CDN for all properties. Initially our company used non-RTMP downloadable URL from Akamai, but, later after some struggling (in May 2008 or so) I was able to figure out how to extract RTMP from Akamai's XML File.

Akamai Provides two URLs for each File:
  1. Downloadable FLV URL
    Returns the actual FLV File. The URL Format of this file is:
  2. Streaming URL
    Returns an XML File. The URL Format of this file is:

#1 is self-explanatory, when you visit that URL, you get the RAW FLV File. so, I will talk on #2.

#2. Streaming URL: When you try visiting the streaming URL. It returns an XML File like below:
To get the RTMP URL, all you need to do is concat the node value of serverName, appName and streamName. That's it. So, basically:
So, for the above case, the rtmp URL would be:
Now the above RTMP URL can be used on popular Flash Players like JWPlayer.

I usually use PHP DomDocument and DomXPath to get the RTMP URL. The code would be simple and straight-forward like below:
$dom   = new DomDocument($akamaiURL);
$xpath = new DomXPath($dom);

$rtmpURL = 'rtmp://'.$xpath->query('/FLVPlayerConfig/serverName')->item(0)->nodeValue .'/'. $xpath->query('/FLVPlayerConfig/appName')->item(0)->nodeValue . '/' . $xpath->query('/FLVPlayerConfig/streamName')->item(0)->nodeValue;
I hope it helps.

Please Note that: In this article, I didn't cover the Akamai URL that requires Authentication Token, which is a separate issue.
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Old 08-08-2009, 02:29 PM
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Re: Akamai CDN: Getting RTMP URL From XML File


Could you please point me in some direction regarding the Akamai Authentication system?

From my limited understanding, does the player make an http request with the token as a string id, and then receives the url for the RTMP? How does this URL differ from the XML method mentiones above?

Thank you very much for your time.
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Old 10-22-2009, 12:07 PM
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Re: Akamai CDN: Getting RTMP URL From XML File

I was obtaining the 2nd type url. I tried to change "flash" to "download", to obtain the 1st one, and with that simple trick, I'm able to directly download the videos.
I had tried a lot of programs and tricks in order to download the videos, and a simple advice solves everything
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