there is a site -
If you go to the "Archives" tab, they have a list of all the hockey game videos. The links are direct links to watch the videos, but you must have a subscription to watch them. I noticed however, if you open up URL Sniffer and then visit the Archives tab, it will have all the URLs to the videos.
Now my problem: it has all the links to the videos, but when I paste one of them into the URL bar, it opens up Windows Media Player, but can't find the media. Isn't that the direct link though?
For example, i found this link in
URL Snooper, it's from the Archives section:
But when you visit it, it can't find it. Is there supposed to be some more letters/numbers on the end to verify that i'm a subscriber? For what it's worth...I managed to find this link:
And it works. So i thought ...all you have to do it have the
and then type the team name/date and .wmv to have any of the games. But today I did this with one of yesterday's games:
And of course, it didn't work
So yes, you see my dilemma, I would really appreciate ANY help at all with this please.