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Old 10-17-2015, 10:48 PM
sonnvl sonnvl is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

I have problem when using AdobeHDS in VMware environment although when I ping to original IP, it stills respond!
(In normal machine, it still works properly!)
Any solution or VMware block this connection ?

php AdobeHDS.php --quality high --manifest "" --useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0" --parallel 4 --referrer --outfile onetv.flv

                           KSV Adobe HDS Downloader

Processing manifest info....
Unable to download the manifest
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Old 10-24-2015, 03:36 AM
Gunnar Gunnar is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

Used ADOBEHDS daily for a year, great!
However, improvements I usually add to all new version

1. adding 1-2-3 retries to both manifest and fragments.
My problem I;m not sure what decoding does with my "improvements".
Order of received fragments, timestamps etc, but at least AdobeHDS does not exit that easily but stutters on while beeping.
For live streams one can live with some missed fragments (and an error beep), main thing recording continues.

2. for esp archived streams, a name-change or similar (extra small name-ok "log" file) when total stream downloaded properly.
(I wrote frontend where I dragdrop links, also checks if alrdy donloaded, but doesnt know if correctly or ongoing)

Then a "shot in the dark", live streams behave(d?) strange this last week, Video/Audio timestamp problem. Seems V-timestamps inside a fragment run too fast, then backdown at next fragment?
Mplayer goes video-slowmotion, then waits, VLC stutters trying to resynch.
Worst, changes to "bug-mode" only appr once a day, then suddenly OK again after 9-12hours. Points to byte+24bit timestamp problem??

Is this a "classic" problem? or my mistake-bug? (I'll have it figured out soon but slow to find them once/day things)

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Old 10-25-2015, 12:27 AM
Gunnar Gunnar is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

CSPAN1 just went into "V-slowmotion" mode.
tested latest AdobeHDS version

From just observing A,V,A-V timestamps with standalone mplayer it looks like Audio-timestamps are running exactly 4x speed.
V goes to normally 1,2,3 to 100, A alrdy speeded to 400.

A little strange, that 4x Audio playback is normal (mplayer master sync?) but Video slowmotion, until new cycle begins after "stutter catchup"

Btw, mplayer also reports appr 4x longer total (faster) time and mplayer time goes appr 4x speed (follows master audio?)

ANy chance of wrong "inter-fragment" (wrongly fixed, or similar) audio-format parameter?? 44 vs 14kHz or similar, somewhere, althgh mplayer gives the rigth normal A,V formats (given by adobeHDs?)

Mplayer, strangly, tries to slow down video? until after some appr 100-400 limit it stutters audio until video catches up in slowmotion
Maybe bc the error-timestamp comes in bursts or similar??
Lots of weird adaptive and stamp-fixes here!

My old "test and beep" version finds a negative timestamp jump at start of every fragment.
(A little messy as LastTS can be both Audio and Video? plus PacketTS and fixed stamps and all)

That is, both (now) behave the same. At one point I thought one was OK but not the other, mistaken observation?


PS WHAT IF?? the stream changes audio-format "in the middle", 2-3 times per day??
Note, I am catching the HDS parameters every now and then with HDS linkdetector and then use the same ones "until problems".
Worked OK for more than a year butbutbut?
Note2. Reason for seldom updated parameters that CSPAN demands a USA website cable authorization for most programs but not all.
Thats when I catch them and then they work for all programs.
Seems most parameters "are not needed" anyway, no actual strict authorization.

WHAT IF2: If server tries to use fallback lower speed stream? AdobeHDS lacks that protocol software?? Weird things might happen??

Last edited by Gunnar : 10-25-2015 at 01:14 AM.
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Old 10-26-2015, 05:32 AM
zapac zapac is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

hi i need KSV Adobe HDS Downloader i dont know the link can any one post link of KSV Adobe HDS Downloader 64 bits windows
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Old 10-27-2015, 06:39 AM
Gunnar Gunnar is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

post link of KSV Adobe HDS Downloader 64 bits windows/

Added later REMEMBERED ,FOUND, GOOGLED "K-S-V adobehds php windows dummies"

It is in Github/K-S-V/scripts wiki

but I leave my own text if it helps??

Google "k-s-v adobehds", a cpl of GitHub links
idea GitHub -> K-S-V -> his SCRIPTS

where AdobeHDS first in list.

Dont understand the 64bit thing as AdobeHDs is a script written in PHP to run on any machine with a php "interpreter"

For windows you need to install the (64bit?) php-"interpreter"
google "PHP windows", gives

Then, the funny part, installation of "(64bit) PHP for Windows", K-S-V has written a "Instal PHP for Windows Dummies" somewhere.

Main problem to add the PHP.exe path to the windose DOS-path, maybe check the php.ini file too?
(path, something like system->advanced->enviroment, always a pain to find it, plus administrator rights and wrongs)

Anyway, not needed if you do "everything" in the same directory you installed php.exe
That is, open DOS command window (start->run and cmd, but better make a shortcut), or DOS powershell, go where php.exe is and

- write php<enter> to check it is there.
Then in its simplest form

php AdobeHDS.php --manifest etc etc

or from anywhere

<path to>php.exe <path to> AdobeHDS.php --manifest etc ect


PS then it is "back to the DOS batch files" to see what happens
PPS Note the difference dbldash -- and singledash - if you are not used to them
PPPS The adobeHds.php file is not downloaded, but just copy-pasted to a (text) file with that or other name

Last edited by Gunnar : 10-27-2015 at 07:17 AM.
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Old 10-29-2015, 11:48 PM
zapac zapac is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

Originally Posted by Gunnar View Post
post link of KSV Adobe HDS Downloader 64 bits windows/

Added later REMEMBERED ,FOUND, GOOGLED "K-S-V adobehds php windows dummies"

It is in Github/K-S-V/scripts wiki

but I leave my own text if it helps??

Google "k-s-v adobehds", a cpl of GitHub links
idea GitHub -> K-S-V -> his SCRIPTS

where AdobeHDS first in list.

Dont understand the 64bit thing as AdobeHDs is a script written in PHP to run on any machine with a php "interpreter"

For windows you need to install the (64bit?) php-"interpreter"
google "PHP windows", gives

Then, the funny part, installation of "(64bit) PHP for Windows", K-S-V has written a "Instal PHP for Windows Dummies" somewhere.

Main problem to add the PHP.exe path to the windose DOS-path, maybe check the php.ini file too?
(path, something like system->advanced->enviroment, always a pain to find it, plus administrator rights and wrongs)

Anyway, not needed if you do "everything" in the same directory you installed php.exe
That is, open DOS command window (start->run and cmd, but better make a shortcut), or DOS powershell, go where php.exe is and

- write php<enter> to check it is there.
Then in its simplest form

php AdobeHDS.php --manifest etc etc

or from anywhere

<path to>php.exe <path to> AdobeHDS.php --manifest etc ect


PS then it is "back to the DOS batch files" to see what happens
PPS Note the difference dbldash -- and singledash - if you are not used to them
PPPS The adobeHds.php file is not downloaded, but just copy-pasted to a (text) file with that or other name
Hi hello need kvs adobe HDS downloader to download hotstar video just read this

see post of moet
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Old 11-05-2015, 12:24 AM
zapac zapac is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

Iam trying to download hotstar video got this

php AdobeHDS.php --manifest ",180,400,800,1300,2000,_STAR.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?hdnea=st=1446704006~exp=1446704606~ac l=/*~hmac=9463e3cf76e3d9d08f1773dd185e6046ac8c04e18d7 d991fa753986136c5a381&g=TJLPYOWLKHBG&hdcore=3.7.0& plugin=aasp-" --delete --auth "hdntl=exp=1446790722~acl=%2f*~data=hdntl~hmac=7f3 42d5c916e7564cf300544067af902e15427e78e5c300c23fa1 9da67db8386&als=0,3,NaN,0,0,NaN,0,0,0,48,f,0,1259. 8,f,u,TJLPYOWLKHBG,3.7.0,48&hdcore=3.7.0&plugin=aa sp-" --useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0"

KVS Adobe HDS Downloader

You have to install and enable the following extentions<s> to continue: 'curl'

whats this?
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Old 11-06-2015, 01:15 PM
Gbry Gbry is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

Hi to all,

is there any chance to grab the f4m url where some other software failed?

i tried with the "KVS HDS link detector", "urlsnooper" , "grab any media", but no result.

any solution?

thanks in advance.
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Old 11-08-2015, 04:02 AM
zapac zapac is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

Hi.....I have a need to download a mainfest.f4m video with adobehds.php. The video has 215 fragments.....can I download only a single fragment 53...?
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Old 11-08-2015, 06:26 AM
zapac zapac is offline
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Re: Adobe HDS Downloader

Got a problem with adobehds.php....
failed to download akamai session key

whats this means?
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