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Old 11-30-2011, 12:07 AM
Cora Cora is offline
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Add real media onto youtube . com

You may upload many types of videos such as avi, wmv, mpeg, 3gp on to youtube, but you might find it isn't possible that you should upload actual media in order to youtube. because youtube isn't support which media structure. So when you want to upload the actual media on to youtube we should convert it with a formats such as avi, wmv or even 3gp, obviously, the flv would be the best . So we are able to choose video converter download in order to convert the actual video you want to upload in order to youtube.

And also the following is really a simple manual for transforming video in order to flv with this tool, more fine detail is upload real media to youtube where one can get much more.

step1, Begin Leawo Movie to Expensive Video converter in order to import supply Real Press video documents for transforming. You may import videos in a variety of file platforms like 3GP, MPEG4, WMV, and so on.

step2, Within Profile, select FLV because output user profile for importing to Youtube . com for discussing. You may also modify the actual output FLV parameters to satisfy YouTube much more by clicking on settings button alongside Profile container.

step3, Click on the convert button to begin to transform Real Press video in order to FLV with regard to YouTube.

You can now upload your own videos towards the youtube with no anxiety.
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Old 11-30-2011, 12:44 AM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: Add real media onto youtube . com

Awesome thanks!
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