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Old 01-28-2008, 12:16 AM
John Xin
Posts: n/a

[ad]easyburn - writes to all CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)

I have spent a lot of time looking for burning software. I usually use nero to

burn media files, but file size of Nero is so big, Look ! I find a small

and it can Writes to ALL CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)!! This

is not spam, This is not fun for u! I only share to u for saving your time. but

the software dos't suppot HD DVD.

Main Features:
Writes to ALL CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE).
Supports all current hardware interfaces (IDE/SCSI/USB/1394/SATA).
Writes Multi-Session or Disc-at-Once mode to ALL supported media formats.
Supports UDF/ISO9660/Joliet Bridged file systems (any combination).
Supports UNICODE for multi-byte languages.
On-the-fly writing for all image types (no staging to hard drive first).
Creates Bootable data discs or images
Auto-verification of data images.
Writes DVD-Video images.
Writes Audio CDs from .wav, .mp3, .wma or .ogg ** files in Disc-at-Once or Track

-at-Once mode.
Supports simultaneous (parallel) image writing.
Automatic selection of write modes for Disc-at-Once operations (no special device

knowledge required).
Supports Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP - Vista and Embedded ready (64/32 Bit).
No Drivers Required

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Old 01-28-2008, 04:19 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: [ad]easyburn - writes to all CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)

John Xin has spent so much time looking for cd/dvd burning software that he decided to post spam messages about the software of his company The software must be so great that the only option to know about it is from spam

p.s. Don't forget to check this "amazing" software for viruses.
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Old 01-29-2008, 02:38 AM
John Xin
Posts: n/a

Re: [ad]easyburn - writes to all CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
John Xin has spent so much time looking for cd/dvd burning software that he decided to post spam messages about the software of his company The software must be so great that the only option to know about it is from spam

p.s. Don't forget to check this "amazing" software for viruses.

oh, my god.
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Old 02-01-2008, 02:34 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: [ad]easyburn - writes to all CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)

Originally Posted by John Xin View Post
oh, my god.
Obviosly any software you download should be checked for viruses no matter whether you trust a company or not. Kaspersky Anti-Virus has hourly updates and I'm pretty satisfied with it.

But obviously there are no antiviruses that can find 100% of malware, spyware... So when you suspect something, especially if you have a free antivirus, you can upload your file to and check it with multiple antiviruses for FREE!

I don't really have DVD discs to spoil, so I would prefer to use software from a reliable software vendor. Nero proved to be very good.

But of course there is other burning software. One of the programs I recommend is AVS DVD Copy. You can definitely notice the difference between software and web-site design... Besides I know nothing about the support of easyburn, while AVS team has been very helpful in most cases.
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Old 02-01-2008, 11:36 PM
John Xin
Posts: n/a

Re: [ad]easyburn - writes to all CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)

but I have find Easyburn 4 at

I think it on virus
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Old 02-02-2008, 04:45 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: [ad]easyburn - writes to all CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)

The problem is not in this exact software. When I see a non-professional of the web-site I don't have any trust right away. But no matter where you founded software, whether the web-site has a professional look or not, it is always a good idea to check every software and document you download or bring to your computer from other sources with an antivirus. doesn't guarantee that EasyBurn is a good software and that it has no viruses or spyware (although they do make some tests). Even the best antiviruses can't gurantee 100% protection. Besides there are things like fake DNS servers, for example, so hackers can change IP addresses to whatever they like.
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Old 02-03-2008, 01:20 AM
John Xin
Posts: n/a

Re: [ad]easyburn - writes to all CD/DVD media types including Blu-Ray (BD-R/BD-RE)

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
The problem is not in this exact software. When I see a non-professional of the web-site I don't have any trust right away. But no matter where you founded software, whether the web-site has a professional look or not, it is always a good idea to check every software and document you download or bring to your computer from other sources with an antivirus. doesn't guarantee that EasyBurn is a good software and that it has no viruses or spyware (although they do make some tests). Even the best antiviruses can't gurantee 100% protection. Besides there are things like fake DNS servers, for example, so hackers can change IP addresses to whatever they like.

Thanks a lot.
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