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Old 03-17-2016, 04:33 AM
ItsAngel ItsAngel is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

kind of annoyed the method i used is patched, wasnt one publicly listed here, but i noticed that with once upon a time its letting me download the premiere now, and it didnt when it required a log in. but the second episode which does require a log in, doesnt let me download it. (the method i used would download any episode regardless of need to sign in or not) so maybe you can still get M3U's just not for episodes that require cable provider log in?
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Old 03-17-2016, 09:10 PM
save8lot save8lot is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

I have also noticed the change. I can still download the "Unlocked" episodes with no issue, however the "Locked" episodes are the problem. The Locked files require you to Login with a valid Cable Subscriber account (never used to), at which point I can grab the m3u8 file BUT "1080p is Missing". The best you can get is 720p from these Locked episodes. However 1080p is still available for the "Unlocked" episodes.

I have no idea whats going on, but they changed something on their servers.
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Old 03-19-2016, 09:22 AM
mrberni mrberni is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

I think I know why the locked episodes aren't working anymore. It seems that the Kaltura API needs a ks (Kaltura Session) key.

Originally Posted by save8lot View Post
I have also noticed the change. I can still download the "Unlocked" episodes with no issue, however the "Locked" episodes are the problem. The Locked files require you to Login with a valid Cable Subscriber account (never used to), at which point I can grab the m3u8 file BUT "1080p is Missing". The best you can get is 720p from these Locked episodes. However 1080p is still available for the "Unlocked" episodes.

I have no idea whats going on, but they changed something on their servers.
Have you tried the following: When opening the m3u8 file without anything after m3u8 (I mean to delete everything after .m3u8: so you would end up with just: That m3u8 file seems to always contain all resolutions (1080p is often k.m3u8). The point is that the link doesn't change for the different resolutions only the letter before .m3u8 does. Just rename the letter in your original m3u8 file to k.m3u8 and you should get your 1080p video.
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Old 03-20-2016, 12:14 AM
ItsAngel ItsAngel is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by save8lot View Post
I have also noticed the change. I can still download the "Unlocked" episodes with no issue, however the "Locked" episodes are the problem. The Locked files require you to Login with a valid Cable Subscriber account (never used to), at which point I can grab the m3u8 file BUT "1080p is Missing". The best you can get is 720p from these Locked episodes. However 1080p is still available for the "Unlocked" episodes.

I have no idea whats going on, but they changed something on their servers.
could you PM me on how you got the 720p link for a locked episode? i can't seem to get ANY links for a locked episode. thank you!
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Old 03-20-2016, 05:20 AM
save8lot save8lot is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by mrberni View Post
I think I know why the locked episodes aren't working anymore. It seems that the Kaltura API needs a ks (Kaltura Session) key.

Have you tried the following: When opening the m3u8 file without anything after m3u8 (I mean to delete everything after .m3u8: so you would end up with just: That m3u8 file seems to always contain all resolutions (1080p is often k.m3u8). The point is that the link doesn't change for the different resolutions only the letter before .m3u8 does. Just rename the letter in your original m3u8 file to k.m3u8 and you should get your 1080p video.
OK, so opening the m3u8 file without the token does show me all resolutions. 1080p is there as k.m3u8 just as you said, but of course without the needed token to download it.

So I assume you wanted me to grab any of the m3u8 links from the full m3u8 file (with the tokens) and simply change the letter to "k". Well, I did that, and I can even download the k.m3u8 file in my browser, but ffmpeg gives me an error when attempting to actually download the video using the k.m3u8 file. It says its "Unable to open the Key File".

So I followed the link to the Key page from the k.m3u8 file myself and it linked to a Blank Page as apposed to the Key page for the other resolutions which actually showed the key. So it looks like the actual Key for the 1080p resolution is not listed on the server. Then again, maybe I am over looking something since i am exhausted at the moment.

Here is the link to the "LOCKED" video. You need a cable service login to access it.

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Old 03-20-2016, 09:45 PM
mrberni mrberni is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

It was worth a try. As I don't have a cable service login I tried it with a free video, which also doesn't have the 1080p video in the m3u8 file, when you take the m3u8 file loaded by the browser. But the renaming to k.m3u8 worked.

One thing you can try: A working m3u8 from a free episode has the following token:
So a "ct", "eid", "oid", "iph" and "sig" token. Have you tried to delete everything from the m3u8 except these token?
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Old 03-21-2016, 11:09 PM
save8lot save8lot is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by mrberni View Post
It was worth a try. As I don't have a cable service login I tried it with a free video, which also doesn't have the 1080p video in the m3u8 file, when you take the m3u8 file loaded by the browser. But the renaming to k.m3u8 worked.

One thing you can try: A working m3u8 from a free episode has the following token:
So a "ct", "eid", "oid", "iph" and "sig" token. Have you tried to delete everything from the m3u8 except these token?
Your method seems to work for the Free/Unlocked episodes because even if the 1080p (k) option in not listed in the m3u8 file, the 1080p VIDEO and KEY are both still on the server.

However it appears on the LOCKED episodes, the 1080p VIDEO is still on the server (which is why you can access the k.m3u8), BUT the 1080p KEY is not. I have confirmed this on several locked videos.

As for the tokens you mentioned, i noticed there are 2 extra tokens on the main m3u8 file that does NOT contain 1080p. They are "rays" and "euid". Unfortunately it is not as easy as simply removing them (lol, i wish).
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Old 03-22-2016, 09:05 AM
mrberni mrberni is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Well it were just some thoughts I had, and would have tested them before posting if I had an account there. It's just very strange, that they give everyone on the free videos 1080p videos, but on locked videos, where you have to pay for it, you can't get the 1080p video. I want to know who decided that at Disney.
One thing I just had in my head: What happens when you play one of the locked videos through their Android app? Maybe the app loads a different m3u8 with a key for the 1080p video?
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Old 03-22-2016, 01:45 PM
stream_monkey stream_monkey is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

I've noticed that, for 'locked' (cable sub req.) the k.m3u8 playlist is unlocked roughly a week after the video is first posted for most items.
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Old 03-22-2016, 09:09 PM
save8lot save8lot is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by mrberni View Post
Well it were just some thoughts I had, and would have tested them before posting if I had an account there. It's just very strange, that they give everyone on the free videos 1080p videos, but on locked videos, where you have to pay for it, you can't get the 1080p video. I want to know who decided that at Disney.
One thing I just had in my head: What happens when you play one of the locked videos through their Android app? Maybe the app loads a different m3u8 with a key for the 1080p video?
No Problem. Thanks for the ideas and the help. I am not sure how to capture the m3u8 stream from a mobile device (phone/tablet) so I usually try changing the User-Agent within my computer's browser. I think i tried that recently with the di$ney site, then again maybe it was another site, i cant remember now. I guess i can try it again.

I was curious, since the 1080p KEY is missing from the server for new videos that are not yet unlocked, I was interested to know if OLD videos, where 1080p was previously available, would still have the key posted. I thought "would they really take the time to Remove it from the servers are re-locking the videos. The Answer .... Yes they did. The key was actually removed for those too. I guess they are really trying to beef up their security. Its just a shame that 1080p is the resolution being restricted. I am not a fan of lower quality video anymore.

Does anyone know what the time interval is for new videos to become "Unlocked"? One particular series I was looking at just got around to unlocking an episode that was 5 Weeks Old. That seems a little extreme as I though most sites unlock new episodes after about 1 week after they originally air on tv. Stream Monkey just said 1 week, but that does not seem to apply to the series i am looking at.
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