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Old 08-15-2014, 08:15 PM
save8lot save8lot is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

I read through this thread and it appears to only pertain to the "watchdisneychannel" site. However I am trying to download from the
site instead.

For example:

I am trying to download the following link:
When I search the source code I can only find the links for the "access.mp4" files:
(These access files do not play once downloaded.)

However I can use the access file to determine the real (.mp4) download link (almost) but removing ".access" from the end of the file, BUT the real problem is the 6-character Unique code on each link at the very beginning of each file name (above example "132f16"). It is different between the "access.mp4" and regular ".mp4" link and I do not know how to determine it.

I used to be able to crawl the websites with jDownloader to find the links, but that no longer works.

So I determined the download link to be:

However it is still missing the 6-character code (represented by "******").

I tried your method of opening the Web Console and searching for "m3u8" files but i cant find them on this other di$ney site.

I also tried urlsnooper2, wireshark, rtmp dump and several other programs without success.

I did download the "atresdownloader" but got a Non-English error when trying to launch the program which i can not read or understand.
necesitas descargar versiones correctas de los archivos libeay32.dll y ssleay32.dll
Perhaps someone can help me figure this out.

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Old 08-15-2014, 10:10 PM
blimey blimey is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by save8lot View Post
I read through this thread and it appears to only pertain to the "watchdisneychannel" site. However I am trying to download from the
site instead.

I did download the "atresdownloader" but got a Non-English error when trying to launch the program which i can not read or understand.
necesitas descargar versiones correctas de los archivos libeay32.dll y ssleay32.dll
As den mentioned in this thread, atres does it with a call to kaltura, and the php code is provided in that thread.
Originally Posted by save8lot View Post
For example:

I am trying to download the following link:
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Old 08-16-2014, 01:44 AM
save8lot save8lot is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Thanks blimey.

I tried to PM you, because I needed some help figuring out how to use the PHP file, but you dont seem to accept PMs, so I left you a post in the other thread you directed me to. Hopefully you will get a chance to respond.

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Old 09-01-2014, 05:43 PM
bubbafett bubbafett is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by mrberni View Post
Here how to download from

Let's try for example with this video:
When you are using Firefox, then you can press "CTRL+SHIFT+I" or "CTRL+SHIFT+K" to open the Web-Console or use URL Snooper.

Then when you open the videopage, the website will send a .m3u8 file. Use the first m3u8 file you see. It should be named something like this:
Save it and open it with a text Editor. I prefer Wordpad over than the normal Editor, beacuse in Editor it is just one long line.

In the .m3u8 file you will find other .m3u8 links. They are the links to the video. The resolution of the video stand before each link. Highest resolution should be at the bottom of the file

Then copy the link to the resolution you want. Next you will need ffmpeg.

Copy the link into this command: ffmpeg -i "video.m3u8" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc "name.mp4"
Open your cmd and download the video with ffmpeg and this command.

I hope I wrote it understandable.
Thanks for this info. Was wondering how to download from and thanks to your post(s), I now know how. Was quite easy to download a 1080p copy of a TV show I wanted after following your instructions.

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Old 09-01-2014, 09:55 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

In case any of this is too complex (for others reading the thread), Replay Video Capture works GREAT with these files and records in 1080p as well
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Old 09-07-2014, 08:11 PM
JALsnipe JALsnipe is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Anyone know how I would go about opening one of these videos (say the Live TV feed) in VLC?
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Old 10-06-2014, 08:00 PM
save8lot save8lot is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

I am trying to download a video from "watchdisneychannel" in 1080p [Girl Meets World - of Terror]. However I found two different master m3u8 files for this video.

The first one (10021004.m3u8) is found on the video's XML page (listed below) and contains the 1080p version (as h.m3u8) but does NOT contain the "Token" needed to download it.

The Second master m3u8 file (also named 10021004.m3u8) can be found after logging into the website and loading the video. Then using Firefox's debug console to view the file and token. This m3u8 files DOES contain the token needed to download the videos, but does NOT include the 1080p version at all. The best listed is 720p.

This makes no sense to me. The fact that it is listed in the first m3u8 file clearly shows it exists, but without the token information it is impossible to download. I tried using the token information from the second m3u8 file with the 1080p link from the first, but that did not work. I was able to download the 720p version with no problem, but cant figure out how to get the 1080p one.

Some people claim that you can download from watchdisneychannel without even have to login, so there must be a way to find the token.

Is there a way to get a token for the m3u8 file in the XML page (listed above)? Or how else can i download the 1080p version?

Thanks in advance
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Old 10-09-2014, 12:11 AM
Kii-lon Kii-lon is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by save8lot View Post
Is there a way to get a token for the m3u8 file in the XML page (listed above)? Or how else can i download the 1080p version?

Thanks in advance
You and me both! I am also having trouble trying to get the 1080p rip from this video here on DisneyXD Go:

I have a cable subscription and already know how to download shorts and the episodes in 720p and below (thanks to your post save8lot!)
but cannot get the 1080p version at all.

The "h.m3u8" file is easy to find/get but I can't download the 1080p .ts files because I get the "403 forbidden" error when
trying to get the key files to decrypt the .ts files.

With a token, I was able to retrieve the 720p version for that video linked above but can't with the 1080p version as save8lot explained above.
The token that works for the 720p and below versions doesn't work for the 1080p one.

Yeah...I know nothing else to retrieve the un-encrypted 1080p episode.

PLEASE can anyone help in anyway to get this episode in 1080p?
That is all I well as save8lot as well.

Thanks to y'all for this thread and all the help you give to us all...
If you have the answer, it would be nice if you explain how you did it so everyone else may know.

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Old 10-13-2014, 10:34 AM
mrberni mrberni is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

@ save8lot & Kii-lon:

I have sent you both my method for downloading from watchdisneychannel/watchdisneyxd. 1080p works, and you don't even need to login anymore.

I don't want to post the instruction here, because I don't know if Disney could block the method it. If someone else wants the instruction, just sent me a pm.
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Old 10-21-2014, 02:20 PM
ItsAngel ItsAngel is offline
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Re: ABC and Disney Networks

Originally Posted by mrberni View Post
@ save8lot & Kii-lon:

I have sent you both my method for downloading from watchdisneychannel/watchdisneyxd. 1080p works, and you don't even need to login anymore.

I don't want to post the instruction here, because I don't know if Disney could block the method it. If someone else wants the instruction, just sent me a pm.
would you mind PMing me aswell please, im trying to get full episodes from and ive tried almost everything. hopefully with your disney info i could download from ABC as well,thanks!
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