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Old 08-07-2008, 02:07 PM
Stream Recorder
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The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games - Watch online and on-demand streaming video

  • NBC Olympics
    Media giant NBC has exclusive rights to broadcast the Olympics in the United States, and will serve up four live streams and 3,000 hours of on-demand video online.
  • TV Tonic
    NBC paired with Wavexpress to offer event highlights on demand via a download service similar to iTunes. If you use Windows Media Center to watch TV you'll see a link to this software marked as "NBC Olympics" in the Online Media strip. This will offer video ranging in quality from 840x480 progressive to 1080i HD. For 32-bit Windows Vista users only.
  • YouTube
    Starting Wednesday, Google will provide approximately three hours of content each day from the Olympics Broadcasting Service on a channel dedicated to the games. The content will include highlight reels and daily wrap-ups, but no live coverage. The footage will be available in 77 territories, including South Korea, India and Nigeria, that aren't officially covered by Olympic sponsors, according to an International Olympic Committee press release.
    CCTV will be supplying more than 5,000 hours of Olympic Games coverage for mainland China and Macau.
  • BBC Sports
    The U.K.'s official Olympics broadcaster will offer six streaming channels showing coverage from BBC TV and BBC News Interactive. Channels will focus on on-demand daily highlights and athlete interviews.
  • Yahoo7
    Australia's official Olympics online portal offers live streams, video coverage on-demand and behind-the-scenes interviews, specials and features.
  • CBC Olympics
    Canadians can tune into the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation online for supplemental live streams, video coverage on-demand and behind-the-scenes interviews, specials and features.
  • Cox High Speed Internet
    Cox customers can access 2,200 hours of 25 events streamed live, plus full-event video replays, extensive highlights, including daily recaps of key events, best-of montages, commentator analysis and athlete-specific clips each day, available on via a link from the Sports page on

In most cases, users in the United States will be blocked from viewing the footage on the non-NBC sites. But you may be able to view clips or streams from other countries if you use a proxy server located within that country, or if you can otherwise trick the streaming server into thinking you're from a country where it's allowed.
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