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Old 02-08-2010, 05:30 PM
MoonMix MoonMix is offline
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.WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???


[hope this is the correct forum]

[1st off...I used to host my music (A&R) website on a dedicated windows server...'cause I thought it was necessary for streaming .wma files. when I discovered it wasn't...I went w/ a standard hosting package, w/ saving BIG bucks.]


I moved my recording studio's site to it's own domain. [it used to be a series of pages on my A&R site.]

I now need to create a '301 Redirect' in my old site's directory to redirect surfers (who have my old url) to the new site...but more retain my ranking w/ the major search engines...!!!

it cannot be done on a Windows server (which I'm on, w/ GoDaddy)...not an .htm redirect anyway, which I need. [&...I don't think I really need windows features like php or asp...I code my site(s) in Dreamweaver as html pages.]

so...if I migrate my site(s) to a Linux server...

1) will standard .wma streaming continue to work...??? (i.e., a .wax file in the directory that points to the .wma).

2) which type of server is FASTER for this task...(if any)...Linux or Windows...???


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Old 02-08-2010, 11:45 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: .WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???

There are several options on making search engine friendly redirects on a Windows Server. If you don't have any admin access, you can still use VB script in ASP pages for redirecting:
< %@ Language=VBScript %>
< %
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location",
If you allow asp instructions to be used in .htm pages, you will have a SEO 301 redirect.

Another option is to use .htaccess file. But your Microsoft Windows Server should be able to run Apache modules.
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Old 02-08-2010, 11:48 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: .WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???

I don't know whether WMA streaming is faster in Windows or Linux. There are lots of different distributives of Linux, so it is even more difficult to compare. If you use your own server and optimize Linux kernel for your needs, it will be really fast. Another thing is that Windows hosting is usually more expensive. And Google uses Linux on its servers, so I vote for Linux

I don't like WMA streaming. Although it works fine in Windows, it is not that friendly to Linux, Mac OS and other operating systems. While MPlayer and VLC can be used to play WMA streams without any problem, embedded WMA streams don't really work well.

The most popular streaming solutions nowadays are Icecast/Shoutcast MP3/AAC/OGG streams and audio only RTMP streams. I would run an Icecast server in Linux. I just like open source products that allow to use formats with open standards.
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Old 02-09-2010, 10:46 AM
MoonMix MoonMix is offline
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Re: .WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???

There are several options on making search engine friendly redirects on a Windows Server.

If you don't have any admin access,
I's IIS Management 7...can't get into the app...& GoDaddy won't freakin' do it for me.

you can still use VB script in ASP pages for redirecting:

< %@ Language=VBScript %>
< %
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location",

If you allow asp instructions to be used in .htm pages, you will have a SEO 301 redirect.
please explain what page this snippet goes into (although I'm assuming it's the old site's main page, on the old domain)...& where in the code it's placed. (I've tried these various scripts...php, asp, etc....above the doctype, below the doctype, everywhere. what makes this one different?) also...what good is an SEO redirect only (unless I'm not understanding you). I suppose that would be that alone would preserve my SE ranking. & what's there now is a nice little graphic page explaining that the new site is on it's own domain, w/ a link. if the above works...might not be a bad option.


A) And Google uses Linux on its servers, so I vote for Linux
B) I don't like WMA streaming. Although it works fine in Windows, it is not that friendly to Linux
not sure I understand the 180 degree flip, there...

...but...on their current server...the .wma's hiccup. WMP opens after clicking the link...states that it's 'connecting to media'. then there's a quick flash of 'locating media'...then back to 'connecting to media'...then the file plays, but starts 1/4 of a second into the music. the whole shebang only takes about 5 seconds (which may be a long time, I don't know)...but I don't like the music starting late.

maybe I should just migrate over to a Linux server...& stream mp3's.

Another option is to use .htaccess file.
DOES NOT work on a Windows server (at least not mine...& also confiremed by GoDaddy).

thanks much,

Mark Forman
MoonMix Studios
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Old 02-09-2010, 12:15 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: .WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???

Originally Posted by MoonMix View Post
please explain what page this snippet goes into (although I'm assuming it's the old site's main page, on the old domain)...& where in the code it's placed. (I've tried these various scripts...php, asp, etc....above the doctype, below the doctype, everywhere. what makes this one different?) also...what good is an SEO redirect only (unless I'm not understanding you). I suppose that would be that alone would preserve my SE ranking. & what's there now is a nice little graphic page explaining that the new site is on it's own domain, w/ a link. if the above works...might not be a bad option.
You need to use the VB Script in the ASP page(s). I don't really know whether you will be able to change the settings and use VB Script in HTM pages.

I don't work with Windows servers, so I can't help you here. You can research more or just outsource your project via a freelance marketplace.

Originally Posted by MoonMix View Post
not sure I understand the 180 degree flip, there...
Linux users may have problems with Windows Media streams. For example, I can play Flash, Icecast, Shoutcast streams in Ubuntu 9.10, but I have problems with Windows Media streams.

Originally Posted by MoonMix View Post
maybe I should just migrate over to a Linux server...& stream mp3's.
Icecast is free, so it is pretty easy to test whether it is a good solution for you before switching to Linux with Icecast.
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Old 02-09-2010, 01:59 PM
MoonMix MoonMix is offline
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Re: .WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???

Stream Recorder...


Linux users may have problems with Windows Media streams. For example, I can play Flash, Icecast, Shoutcast streams in Ubuntu 9.10, but I have problems with Windows Media streams.
yeah but...

Linux users are gonna have those problems w/ .wma's in general, correct...??? why not stream 'em off a Linux server...???

[& Linux user I assume you mean 'end' user...running a Linux OS on his/her home/office pc?]

[& those folks can always use VLC]

but...check this out...I just discovered an amazing thing...AMAZING...!!!

I was surfing the web looking for the m3u streaming code...& came upon an article by Nunzio, entitled 'How to Stream Music or Audio from Your Website. I thought the title to be a bit I checked it out...(especially since it made referrence to streaming .wma's).

so...I'm looking at Nunzio's streaming code, for both the m3u's & the .wax's...& it's NOTHING but the doggone url/folder where the music file exists...i.e., the pointer is simply the domain & path to the ASCII text in Notepad...saved as a .wax...nothing more.

so I tried it...& it WORKS...perfectly...!!! [& really FAST, to boot.]

remember the hiccup I mentioned...(which, now that I think about it was more like 9 seconds)...??? GONE.

I had been using the standard & typical ASX 3.0 code in the .wax file, which contained the typical mms:// pointer...& it was all crap...!!!

I just finished changing all my .wax files over to the above mentioned method...& those bad boys FLY open & play in about a quarter second.

so now...all I have to do is resolve this Linux vs. Windows server thing. I'm thinking about going for I can implement my .htaccess file. GoDaddy tells me the transition will take 72 hours post request...but maybe quicker.

thanks again,


btw - the m3u pointer is the same deal...url/folder/myfreakin'song.mp3
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Old 02-09-2010, 02:31 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: .WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???

Glad that you have solved the problem!

Originally Posted by MoonMix View Post
Linux users are gonna have those problems w/ .wma's in general, correct...??? why not stream 'em off a Linux server...???

[& Linux user I assume you mean 'end' user...running a Linux OS on his/her home/office pc?]

[& those folks can always use VLC]
You are right, I meant end users. And it is possible to use VLC,... but one may need to change the embedded player, so not every user will do that. But some broadcasters may use scripts that work in Windows only. I know how to find stream URLs and play them in VLC, MPlayer, but I don't really want to do that every time.

You can stream WMA from a Linux server. I just don't like WMA... as well as many other Microsoft products including Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer and Windows 7 I prefer cross-platform, open-source applications and open standards.
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Old 02-09-2010, 03:58 PM
MoonMix MoonMix is offline
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Re: .WMA Streaming (Standard)...Linux or Windows...???



I never really got the embedded thing down pat, anyway. I just go w/ metafiles, which open proprietory files in a users default whatever player.

what I should offer both wma & mp3. everybody, including microsoft haters, has some sort of default mp3 player on their machine.

that's what I'll do...will take awhile, tho...been pretty busy.

thanks again,

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