I want to be able to copy and paste from the Adobe Digital Editions!!
Hi guys, I just spent 70pounds buying 2 ebooks only to find out that I cant copy and paste text from them
Admittedly I should have checked whether I could do so, but I just expected that I could because the only other book I bought - I could copy and paste text from it.
Im using Adobe Digital Editions and I dont have permission to copy or print text.
Will removing DRM protection allow me to do so?
The ONLY reason I desperately want to copy and paste text is because I have finals coming up, and by copying text into Word I can form my own notes.
(I already have one of the books on paperback, and I spent 35 pounds buying the same book just so that id have it on pdf, only to find out I cant copy from it. The other book also cost be around 35pounds and they are both useless to me if I cant copy and paste!!)
Thanks for reading