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Old 10-12-2009, 04:48 PM
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Default ( VK | ) review

Most of you probably familiar with Facebook – the unsinkable flagship, the mother of all social networks around the world, but it won't be our focus today. Three years ago Russian comrades took a look at Facebook and decided that: “The hell with it.... We will build our own with “blackjack and hookers!” Three years went by, and a social network known as VKontakte appears with no less than 45 million users. Wait! Don't discard VKontakte yelling who needs it if we have Facebook because I will explain why you do need it.

It is a known fact that on the streets of Russia there are bears roaming freely with balalaika's and cap hats which is probably the reason why copyright fighters haven't come to Russia yet... ATTENTION!!!! In VKontakte social network you will find multi-million library containing free mp3 files, you can listen on-line to whatever you feel like without any limitations, and believe me, there is plenty to listen to (take a look at the screen shot bellow). It is unbelievably simple – following the registration (absolutely free) in the search field simply enter audio files search, and VIOLA, you have found your happiness! I suppose advanced users don't need an explanation as to how files are downloaded.
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Old 10-13-2009, 12:35 AM
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Re: free mp3

I wanted to delete the thread at first, but then realized that it might be useful. Many of my friends really use vkontakte mainly to listen to music. It is absolutely free and they don't have any ads. And you can find almost anything there. Although vkontakte itself doesn't allow to download music, it is pretty easy to download/save HTTP mp3 music streams. You can use many free programs for that or even download such streams with your browser. You can also use Replay Media Catcher that renames and tags songs automatically.
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Old 10-13-2009, 08:14 AM
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Re: free mp3

I registered in vkontakte and I like it! I would add that not only music but video could just as easily view and download!

good luck
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Old 10-18-2009, 04:18 PM
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Thumbs up free mp3 and videos, personal blog and social network

Get totally FREE access to the most complete MP3 library ever (millions of files, every single song on Earth! - see screenshots and examples below. All you have to do is register)!
You can create your personal playlist, either listen to your favourite tracks online.
For comfortable listening of music on site I recommend to use the application VK Music Player

The registration process takes exactly one minute: users from all countries are welcome!

Videosearch - Video Clips, Movies, TV Shows etc. There are things that you'll NEVER find on YouTube!

Notice: Free Registration requires your "VALID" First / Last name and University/School name.

After registration submit your own PHOTO! (do not submit avatar or other image, otherwise new account will be banned)
Provide the above mentioned details and your registration will be completed. Then you will be able to download songs.

VK is the most popular social network service in central and eastern europe. Because of its design and functionality, VK is often claimed to be a clone of Facebook, accommodating not only a similar concept, but also a comparable business model. However, its incorporation of other features makes it more like YouTube, Last.FM, Pandora and MySpace rolled into one, with an interface highly reminiscent of Facebook.

As of October, 2009, the network has more than 45 million users and is the leading site in Europe in terms of user visits, page views, data transfer per day. As of March 19, 2009, VK is ranked 28 in global Top 500 sites with a traffic rank of 25.

The sites functionality includes personalized pages, easy access to friends' pages and news, a photo-, audio- and videohosting, a simple messaging system, groups that users can participate in, and notes. Almost all of the information provided by users is a subject to easy search, therefore people are able to look for those with similar interest, school, places of birth, etc. New features are being added to the website from time to time, such as ability to host audiofiles in groups and personal pages, "Opinions" function allowing one to express personal thoughts about a friend on the network anonymously, "Offers" to ask people whether one wants to do something together with the user, "Questions" to answer the question that is asked by user and "Applications", containing Flash API based games, tools, chat rooms etc.

Users have the ability to control the availability of their content, for instance it is possible to hide one's pictures, videos, and entire pages. Users can also choose who can invite them to join groups, write personal messages, write on their wall, and so forth. It is claimed that the site content is not indexed by the search engines. Google and Yahoo not only don't link to privacy-locked VK pages, but also do not link to users who choose to open their pages to the general public; in fact, search engines provide no indication whatsoever that any user is registered on VK. Unless users post external links to their pages elsewhere, the only way to find a VK page is by using VK's own search protocols.

The number of registered users of the site is consistently rising.
VK has never been advertised in any fashion. Its popularity has grown entirely from people sharing it amongst each other. VK has an option for users to delete their accounts though the number of the accounts is rising every second.

VK is the most visited Internet resource in Central and Eastern Europe. VK is the leader in all aspects of the internet:
  • Internet Resource No. 1 and the most visited social networking site in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Over 1,500,000,000 pages are opened weekly (liveinternet). This is more than all of the other large websites in Europe together.
  • The largest photo hosting site in europe: over 12 million photos are uploaded weekly.
  • The largest video hosting site in europe: over 1,800,000 new videos uploaded weekly.
  • The largest music hosting site in europe: over 1,400,000 new audio files uploaded daily.
  • The most popular way to keep in touch in the central and eastern europe: over 80 million messages are sent weekly.
  • As of October 2009, over 45 million users were registered in
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Old 12-21-2010, 06:24 AM
KasabianAlla KasabianAlla is offline
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Re: free mp3

Hi guys i use vkontakte a lot in order to download some music, the only problem is i would like it to be on my phone, i want to download it perhaps to itunes or put it into my documents, ive tried to drag it in, ive tried to save it in, i dont really know what else to do, and i really want the music, its an amazing site!!
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Old 12-21-2010, 08:09 AM
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Re: free mp3

Originally Posted by KasabianAlla View Post
Hi guys i use vkontakte a lot in order to download some music, the only problem is i would like it to be on my phone, i want to download it perhaps to itunes or put it into my documents, ive tried to drag it in, ive tried to save it in, i dont really know what else to do, and i really want the music, its an amazing site!!
Replay Media Catcher allows to download and capture music from It tags and renames songs automatically.
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Old 02-12-2011, 05:12 PM
capnsavapheen capnsavapheen is offline
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Re: free mp3

Hello everybody i use the pirate app nbut i would love acess to but i need some one to send me a registration invite that is the only way to create a account
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Old 02-24-2011, 05:18 PM
towerlight2002 towerlight2002 is offline
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Re: free mp3

hi, does not allow new user registration.
By invitation only.
Can someone please invite me,
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:50 AM
the one the one is offline
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Re: free mp3

Originally Posted by towerlight2002 View Post
hi, does not allow new user registration.
By invitation only.
Can someone please invite me,
Hi All,
I too am looking for someone to invite me to
Thanks a lot.
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Old 04-22-2011, 09:53 AM
nexebo nexebo is offline
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Re: free mp3

still have invite to ( ..
> pm
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